Very Important Person, Doing Very Important Work

Former Deputy Prime Minister Shelia Copps.

Blacklock’s- Copps Meddled In Emblem

“The Minister’s communications advisor reviewed drafts of the beaver and requested a smile be added to the face and cross-hatching on the tail,” wrote Gerald Boulet, Parks Canada design advisor. “We advised against both requests but were told to do as asked.”

“For a period of time the approved version of the beaver sported a smile,” wrote staff. “The next election resulted in a change of government and the smile was removed from the beaver. However the cross-hatching was retained.”

Managers questioned the point of Copps’ redesign. “Were they worried the beaver would not look like a beaver?” asked one Parks Canada director.

20 Replies to “Very Important Person, Doing Very Important Work”

  1. Good Grief!!! Alan Rock, Lloyd Axworthy, Sheila Copps. This is 2024 right? What’s next… “Deep Thoughts From David Dingwall”?

    1. Sheila Copps was the epitome of batshit crazy psycho bitch.

      I am always amazed at the absolute crap people that end up in politics and especially the slime sucking pigs from hell who end up in power.

  2. As a restaurant and hotel designer, I was part of the team working on the re-design of a very tired resort in the Muskoka region of Ontario in 1985 and 1986. The wife of one of the owners wanted a statue of a goddess placed in the lobby with a stuffed beaver at the feet of the goddess. It was my job as the woman on the team to explain to her that this would NOT be a good look in the lobby because “beaver” was a euphemism for a woman’s private parts. I think her husband married her because she was good-looking but dumb and she thought he was wonderful. We all thought he was “dick” and he had not one, not two but three mistresses on the side.

  3. Simple explanation….she’s a cat lady I’d bet. There is a certain insanity where people tend to place anthropomorphism onto animals. Oh look, that chipmunk is waving at me…kind of people. They give me the creeps.

  4. I’m kind of partial to smiling beavers myself.. In fact I have donated every Penney I have ever made to smiling beavers.. Smiling beavers for the win……

      1. When I was a kid, I was so disappointed to find that Jacob Two-Two Meets the Hooded Fang had nothing to do with vagina dentata.

  5. Vancouver Olympics parade and the tv guy says here comes “the always enjoyable giant inflatable beaver”


  6. Didn’t some enterprising photograph snap a pic of Ms Copps, ahem, ‘beve’ as she exited a vehicle back in the day?

    I recall something about it. I could Google it but who’d want to?
