Your Phone Is Not Your Friend

And it certainly shouldn’t be your therapist.

Robert Malone- iPhone Mental Health Assessments

Bottom line- no data is 100% secure, and this is mental health data. Data that might be extremely embarrassing, career-damaging, or has the potential to disrupt family relationships. Remember, no one knows what new laws, regulations, or mores might come to pass years from now. This type of information should not be harvested and stored.

Furthermore, trusting that iPhone will never sell that data or pass it off to research groups is very naive. In fact, mental health data is already being mined.

14 Replies to “Your Phone Is Not Your Friend”

  1. Hello cloud, here are all my deepest, darkest secrets. In text format.

    Reminds me of the ridiculous “Security Questions” that were popular on company web pages a while back. (And is still used at CRA website). “What year were you born?” for password recovery.

    Gosh, no one could take advantage of that … and even if they could, what horrible person would do so?
    Well, horrible people.

    1. I used to enter bogus answers to those security questions such as: What was your high school class mascot? Tapeworm.

      I would then keep track of all these fake answers in an encrypted Excel spreadsheet that I used as a password vault.

  2. I have a land line. That’s it.
    Don’t miss the iPhone one bit.
    Of course, being a retired introvert facilitates the freedom from the cell.
    Still, I have lived the better part of life without a mobile phone, other than for one particular career span.
    As far as I can see, most people just waste time on the stupid things.

  3. EMR is not secure either. Try to see that your shrink uses -paper- records. Otherwise, same problem as the iPhone.

    Cue the trolls: “That’s CRAZY talk!” Um, yeah trolls, hospital records and EMR charts get hacked. It’s a thing. Feel better now?

  4. Everybody… And I mean everybody.. Cant even walk down the street without looking at their phone..

    Can I get a witness?… The glowing rectangle knows all?.. Brutal..

  5. I dont know.

    I hate it when people want to show me stuff on their phone.. I never want to look at it at.. Ever…
    Can i get a witness?.. As a atheist?… No..

  6. I’m a scrawny Freshman in HS in 1971 … whose self image was that of a tough guy … and I walk into Freshman Shop Orientation … into Woodshop. In walks the Woodshop teacher … a 6’-6” 275 lb ex San Diego Charger D-lineman who proceeds to say … “welcome to Freshman Woodshop Orientation… I HATE FRESHMEN” … and it all went downhill from there.

    His other most-famous quote was … “Machines are NOT your friends”. And he proceeded to recount each and every accident he’s witnessed on the Woodshop machines … including the nicked arteries and their fonts of blood. Yeah … it made an impression that I still carry with me today.

    Yet … I suspect I’d rather lose a finger than than lose my health data to Apple or Alphabet.

  7. Robert Malone. Everything you do will kill you including mother’s milk for infants. Nobody has more hustles than Dr M. Send money!
