29 Replies to “Bought and Paid For”

  1. It’s “pricing” not a tax? Great because I don’t want to pay that price.

    The G&M gets paid to distribute government lies and they call it ‘style’.

    What a bunch of a-holes.

  2. Not sure how “carbon pricing” works in this context.

    Are you buying the carbon? Or are you buying the air? I mean, you’re really just donating carbon dioxide, which is tree foos, to the atmosphere. Maybe you should be getting paid for it.

    Now, “carbon tax” or “carbon fine” or “carbon penalty” make more sense in the context it is being used. Again, it’s valuable plant chow, so maybe you should be paid for it.

  3. The Globe and Mail “News” paper
    The NY Times “News” paper

    BBC “News”
    CBS “News”
    NBC “News”
    ABC “News”
    CBC “News”
    Global “News”
    CTV “News”

  4. Well, if it’s carbon pricing – pricing means an amount agreed upon by a buyer and seller – wait ’til they get the bill for my carbon.

    I’m selling. I’m no price gouger. I won’t charge more than current market price.

  5. Dear G&M Editor:
    Take a copy of your effing Style Book and shove it up Justine’s capacious arse and another copy up yours.

  6. Confirming that they report what they’re told. No original thought and no observational or investigative abilities.

    Utterly useless

  7. Well … now I feel so much better paying my 38% Income Pricing. How dare I believe I work for ME and my family … I work for a PRICE!

  8. These nerds try to pretend they’re cool by employing the phrase “style book”. Nice try losers, now GET IN THE LOCKER!!!

  9. “Pricing” is the process whereby a business sets the price at which it will sell its products and services and may be part of the business’s marketing plan.

    By the bye, there was once a time when “style books” were primarily about proper grammatical niceties and such like. Now they are Orwellian guides.

    1. This gives a new meaning to The Globe and Mail pricing.

      Pricing lies ‘could’ be better than subsidies.

  10. I prefer Prostitution to Presstitution. At least the former serves you and not their pimp.

    Yes, I realise this is ambiguous

    1. Oh just start ‘pricing’ the government media. But I repeat myself too much. Plus who would tax them, not the pigs at the trough called Trudeau or any socialist gov.

  11. The Mop &Pail will have fun surviving once the juvenile LIEberal team has been punted.
    No more filthy lucre subsidies from PP.
    It will be delicious to see this once great paper founder in insolvency. It will be well earned and priced accordingly.

  12. “carbon pricing”

    First of all it is not ‘carbon’. You would think a style book would use the correct term – ‘carbon-dioxide’ which is what they are referring to.

    And how weird is it to set a price on a commodity I can neither buy or sell?

  13. The Glob should simply go all the way and change their name to “Pravda”. They’ve been nothing but a wholly owned mouthpiece of the LPC for decades now.

    Probably due to Pierre’s slogan. He should change “Axe the Tax” to “Slicing and Dicing the Carbon Pricing”.

  14. How much “government investment” in the Glob and Flail was threatened if they didn’t change their style book to align with the liberal government’s propaganda?

  15. In all truth I cannot boycott the Blob & Snail any harder than I do right now. If other people still read their lies, my condolences.

    Unfit even to wrap fish.

    1. I’m reminded of Stephen Leacock’s quote:
      “I am sitting in the smallest room of the house, reading your review in front of me. Very soon it will be behind me.”
