Diversity Is Our Strengh

Newsweek- Sweden To Offer Immigrants $34,000 To Leave Country

In a statement following the Swedish Migration Agency announcement last month Minister for Migration Maria Malmer Stenergard said: “The Government’s efforts have produced results. The number of asylum applications is looking to be historically low, asylum-related residence permits continue to decrease and Sweden has net emigration for the first time in 50 years. This development toward sustainable immigration is necessary to strengthen integration and reduce social exclusion.”

16 Replies to “Diversity Is Our Strengh”

  1. Jeez I didn’t think a plane ticket from Stockholm to Trawna costs that much. Should be a lot of swarthy Swedes deplaning at Pearson.

  2. Since they usually have a lot of nutritional deficiencies, why not just offer then a shot of Vitamin Pb?

  3. Sweden has always been just another right-wing extremist deplorable back water. Oh wait.

    Francisco – I had that story sitting open on my iPhone all day waiting for Readers Tips…

  4. I’d like to see Sweden take up a collection for these deportations from the Swedish citizens. I’m willing to bet the number would total FAR MORE than $34k

  5. Sweden huh…? Oh yeah, the rape capital of Europe.

    We’ll give you $34 000 to not rape swedish woman.

  6. the stereotype svedish ‘dish’ blonde buxom in the sauna nude sitting on a towel covered in sweat calling out to Sven come join her watch the hockey game on delayed playback.

    then the bearded one with the glassy eyes pokes his head up from behind the wood pile oh wait theres another theres many more looks like theres going to be a gang rape.
