Down The Primrose Path (bumped)

NEW: The government that fails at sleeping bag procurement demands escalation, yessiree!

Polish MEP Grzegorz Braun on Antony Blinken visiting Poland today

small group of officials inside the White House.

Stan, in the comments;

The dog that didn’t bark: Why are no politicians calling for a cease fire in Ukraine? We hear them call for a ceasefire in Gaza every day.

175 Replies to “Down The Primrose Path (bumped)”

  1. Oh noes, a russian red line. Have mercy, anything but that. Breaking a russian red line is unprecedented except for all the red lines before.

          1. More like 1913. All the leadership in all the Great Powers is insanely belligerent. And the world is one misstep away from an apocalypse, and those who can see it are dismissed as “weak” or “cowardly”.

          2. Absurd analogy. It is all about not appeasing the bully. Especially when the bully is as pathetically weak as Pootinistan is now. Stop thinking of orks as that powerful empire, they are a turd world shithole with areal GDP of more or less Texas that has destroyed all its paths to prosperity in any foreseeable future and that is devouring itself in the process.

        1. “Give Putin what he wants or he’ll start WW3?”

          He already HAS what he wants. Involve the American military in attacking Russia and he just might start WW3.

          1. LOL, zero retrospect on that one. According to Freddie, Pootin had all he wanted two years ago, a year ago and now. And throughout all that time Civilized World was feeding Ukraine targeting data. Nothing will change now. Targets inside Orgimmar will be hit with western weapons and you can stomp your feet in response.

    1. This is not something to joke about. I can’t believe how insensitive some people are about the prospect of WWIII. Even if Putin has stopped short of major confrontation in the past, do not expect him to do so forever. Everyone has a tipping point, and wherever Putin ‘s is is very,very dangerous.

      1. There is not a goddamn thing Poootin can do. If he tried to end the world over Ukraine defending itself his powerbrokers would eliminate him. They’re probably itching to do so anyway as he has been consistently ruining their interests for the last three years.

        1. Putin is the moderate. He’s fending off his own warmongers. If the warmongers ever got control, you can kiss your ass goodbye, the nukes would be flying.
          As suggested previously, since you’re so ‘brave’, fly over there and LARP as a mercenary for a few days, until your fantasy ends.
          You are certifiably nuts, along with your neocon comrades, egging on a nuclear war.

          1. LOL Pootin is not a moderate he is a tyrant who eliminated most opposition and who is dragging his shithole of a country to self destruction.

            Also: 1.

    2. Furiously stroking your warboner.
      The MSM have never fed you shit about reasons for war before, have they?

      1. The most surprising development of the past two years is how conservatives who view Trudeau as a Marxist child-man destroying Canada; Biden as corrupt and cognitively impaired; and the last 5 British PM’s leading their nation into totalitarian multi-cult wreckage — conservatives who wouldn’t buy a car on the recommendation of any one of them … are eager to follow them all into conflict with a nuclear armed Russia.

        Over Ukraine.

        It’s quite astonishing.

        1. A friendly modification, Kate … over a small disputed PORTION of Ukraine with a long history of Russian identity. And with a recent history of corrupt CIA-fueled internal Ukraine conflict. Not to mention NATO belligerence.

          What’s surprising is how many conservatives must have huge Grumman-Northrop stock portfolios

        2. Canadian conservatives watched police on horseback trample grandmothers in walkers and still unquestioningly Back the Blue No Matter Who.

          Most people simply don’t think about their political views, they just follow the demogogue of the moment. “Conservatives” are no more immune to this than any other.

        3. Your error Kate is that it’s not conservatives, it’s bible pounders. As the bible states”you can not serve 2 masters!” and the pounders are too stupid to grasp that philosophical pronouncement.

          1. Sorry it’s not us Bible Pounders. World Wars 1 & 2 were started by the atheists and communists. Our battle is of the spiritual realm, just trying to reach the lost with the good news of Jesus Christ.

          2. The Good Book also states that you “shall make war no more” … and “beat your swords into plowshares”. Sadly … America’s war-implement-making corporations have no interest in John Deere …

          3. Dave
            And the hatred of Jews, gays, and gypsies is what allowed Hitler to kill them with impunity. And that hatred was religions driven. My mother who was very “religious, ” hated all those groups , and according to supplier I used, who was a gay german, he concurred with that sentiment. Also the vatican apologized for their behaviour, after the war, and admitted to helping war criminals escape. And more recently the german RCC apologized again , for the same reason. Just because you don’t want to believe the truth, doesn’t mean it isn’t so.

          4. I have not come across that phrase that one cannot serve two masters so far in my bible study, which testament does that one appear in?

        4. What is astonishing is that you’re viewing this through a partisan lens.
          Also astonishing is that you continue ignoring Gerasimov doctrine (ask Timmmmy Pool how that worked out).

          And it is not over Ukraine but over the future place of the Civilized World. Chomsky for example knows that and he is on your side.

          And if you want to avoid conflict with russia you need to knock russia out. They haven’t changed since Mongols founded them. They only understand strength. This has always been a constant.

    3. Putin doesn’t give a damn about red lines. That’s why his troops are on the other side of the border.

    4. You’re dislike of the Russian people is a mental disorder.
      Constant rantings and railing
      I would relish the day yer yanked out of yer basement & air dropped on the front lines….
      See how “brave” you are.
      Ya got a big yap…that truly requires silencing.

    5. Can you provide actual evidence of a Russian red line? You DO realise that in strategic warfare, chaining yourself to specific automatic responses is called “telegraphing” and hands your opponent complete control of your actions and timing. No serious strategist does this. This is a NATO thing.

      We’ll see whether NATO has the balls to follow through with this. Unless they go ahead with this, you will know that they chickened out, based on the Russian threats of retaliation.

      Message to NATO: if the Russian Army is so weak, amd Russian society so anti-Putin, and the Russian economy so dead, … why aren’t you in Moscow already, after two and a half years of war?

      1. Well … if Ukraine/CIA determine that targets inside Russia are now fair game … perhaps Putin will incinerate that shiny new NATO headquarters?

        1. I think taking out NATO HQ would be a blessing for the Planet…followed of course by a similar annihilation of the EU parliament, the WHO, the UN, GAVI & the WEF.

          1. Well Wonko … I’ll play the “Trump-is-Hitler” game … wherein Leftist Democrats say it is better to murder him than to allow him the Presidency. The Davos crowd are all little Hitlers … so murdering them would be an act of mercy for the rest of us.

      2. Speak for yourself. I’d cheer the use of nukes against the Nazis. Why should only the Japs have gotten irradiated? Nuking the Nazis will right a historical wrong on racial grounds.

    1. If Ukraine had been left to its own devices, there would not be a war at present. Blame the Globalists and NATO and neocons. This is their war to destroy Russia, using Ukrainian dupes.

      1. “If Ukraine had been left to its own devices, there would not be a war at present. Blame the Globalists and NATO and neocons. This is their war to destroy Russia, using Ukrainian dupes.”

        That’s the real bottom line here, and always has been.

        They wanted this war to happen. They made this war happen. They stymied any and all attempts to prevent this war from happening. They MAKE MONEY from this war, and will make EVEN MORE MONEY when it finally ends.

        They will fight to the last dead Ukrainian, sure, but never do the one thing that might actually ‘win’ this war: put NATO troops on the ground in Ukraine *in direct combat* with Russian troops. That won’t ever happen, because body bags coming home are just bad optics for any of the involved politicians. COWARDS.

        1. I agree but having NATO troops fight the Russians would just widen the war. NATO is in no shape to fight the Russians, save perhaps for the US. Many of the western governments are fragile at the moment – France, UK, Germany, etc. It would not take a big push for many of them to fall into chaos. And it doesn’t have to have any Russian fingerprints on it. Exploit racial or religious strife. Heck, have another wackjob take a crack at the pope, poison a water supply or sabotage a nuke plant.

      2. Ukraine has always been free to forego using weapons and munitions supplied with caveats from other countries and instead fight Russia by any means of their very own.

    2. Are you that DENSE to not understand where this shit will lead..??
      …or are you one of those “bright” minds who thinks He/She will survive a 21st Century Nuclear exchange..??

      1. This is the same guy who loves the jab, Steakman. He’s either a paid troll, or he -is- that dense.

        He also seems to forget that as corrupt and lunatic as the Russian government is, the Ukraine government is worse. This is an asteroid moment, not one where CANADA!!!! proudly steps up and sends ten guys over there for a photo op. Because that’s our whole bleepin’ army, ten guys.

    3. Killer Surfur unDORK.
      The Ukes are unable to do what we are discussing, so NATO operative would be doing the targeting, so Putin would consider that he is at war with NATO, and rightfully so.

  2. Javelins = red line
    Satellite data = red line
    Artillery = red line
    HIMARS = red line
    Patriot = red line
    Patriot knocking out AWACS = red line
    Tanks = red line
    Long-range weapons = red line
    F-16s = red line
    Ukrainian incursion into russian territory = red line
    Ukraine using western supplied weapons in the incursion = red line
    +++ you are here +++
    Firing on targets inside Pootinistan = red line

      1. It’s genuine untrivial to see the difference between the operation and the counter-operation in a war.

        Putin started this shit during the Obama – Merkel show. Being at range, I can’t give up. It’s freedom or Putinistan. Blood it may take.

        I wish Europe had prepared after WW2. The communists are guilty.

        1. Incorrect, it started with the CIA sponsored Maidan revolution, and the Minsk accord, which, Merkel stated they had no intention of honouring. They double crossed Russia. And then to provoke Russia, endlessly harassed and killed over 14,000 ethnic Russians in the Donetsk region, for bloodsport.
          I can’t blame the Russians for being pissed and looking at the corrupt west as being completely untrustworthy. You apologists are playing with fire.

          1. We had friends in that region, ethnic Russians and one ethnic Ukrainian. This fits what they told us.

          2. It started when Putin got power and decided to return the Soviet Union.

            But the war started in 2014, during the Obama shitshow.

          3. Maidan – fake Kremlin news

            Minsk – you should actually read it.

            14,000 “dead Russians”. Fake news. The number is from OSCE reports. The number of dead civilians is 3400 from 2014 to 2022. Russia is responsible for the majority of those.

            Tying Minsk and OSCE reports of civilian deaths together, shortly after taking office Zelensky called Putin and they agreed to pull back their artillery according to Minsk. (So much for this being an organic rebellion). The result? Civilian deaths per year dropped to 25. Russia also brought in thousands of snipers. They never talked again.

          4. Don’t text and drive big rigs, Allah, worlds thmartest twucker! Get back on the road where you can spew your lies, distortion and nonsense to the drunks in the coffee shop. You have no clue what you’re talking about, hence, TROLL.

        2. BS. 100%

          This was instigated by the US led War Machine NeoCons.
          NATO is an ATLANTIC Treaty.
          So explain to me WTF it has, being halfway to ALASKA in Eastern Europe an wishing to use Long Range Missiles….??

          NOTHING – Simply a convenient place/Excuse to ramp up arms production for PROFIT & with a mad desire to eliminate the Russian Military.

          This move by NATO is UTTER MADNESS

  3. Russia’s point is that the Ukraine can’t launch and target the supplied NATO long range weapons without NATO satellite targeting/tracking and NATO operators and thus NATO is an active participant.
    Will Russia take direct action against NATO targets that are involved (satellites, ships, bases) or any old NATO target of convenience?
    Or will Russia start by providing equivalent support (weapons, satellite targeting/tracking and operators) to proxies (Norks, Hezbollah, Houthis, Iran) that will strike NATO or its allies (Israel, Japan, US aircraft carriers)?

    1. “Or will Russia start by providing equivalent support … to proxies”

      Start? LOL.
      Russia has been waging hybrid warfare against Civilized World for years.

      1. And it’s not a cold war, but a stupid war. Putin wants a new iron curtain to keep populace under control.

        Well, that’s what evil dictators do.

        1. Still buying the Neocon BS story, huh? Tell me, what countries will he overthrow and in what order to re-establish his “iron curtain” in your fantasy world?

          1. Putin has been going around from Chechnya to Georgia. It’s just a matter of time he goes forward. He speaks, we need to believe him. We buy weapons and be ready.

          2. Russian territories. Next? Paranoid about Poland? Oooooo, maybe Berlin next, how bout Paris? You spew nonsense.

            You want MUH 80s COLD War back!

          1. ‘The three most important security challenges from Finland’s point of view are *Russia, Russia and Russia*.’

            In 2007

            It’s long before Ukraine.

          2. Fart…erm Friend
            Finland had a very good relation ship with eastern Russians, right up until this schittshow started. I know bc Iv been over there about a dozen time in resent years.

        2. Sort off, he bit a lot more than he could chew in Ukraine. He did not want a new Iron Curtain he wanted a bigger role for russia in Central Europe and restoration of “russian sphere of influence” (never again!) an easy conquest of Ukraine was supposed to be that. He is stuck now. Any end of the war means the end of him.

    1. I am wondering, and have been wondering for a while now, well before this latest escalation, if we’re even going to make it to November.

  4. Brain dead BIDEN
    Accidental Keir Starmer
    Incompetent Antony Blinken
    Punchable Jake Sullivan
    … and a cackling bundle of JOY Kameladeeda …

    Could there be a more pathetic end to Western civilization … ended to make the world safe for the LGBTQueers. Could there be more pathetic tableau of antagonists ushering in The End?

    The only RED LINE that matters is the FINAL Red Line … you pathetic idiots.

        1. To paraphrase the now-famous meme-quote, ‘The Book of Revelation was meant to be a warning, not something to aspire to.’

  5. So the DC Blob doesn’t recognize the sunk cost fallacy when it is right in front of them. They’ve blown billions of dollars and wasted tons of materiel on Ukraine’s war. And Ukraine is still losing that war. So they decide to throw more money and “better” weapons at it, in the hopes that this time it will turn things around. That’s the mistake right there, as when you sink tons of money into a venture that doesn’t succeed, you don’t sink more into it in the hope of turning it around, you cut your losses and move on. America’s Ukrainian venture is failing, and it is long past time for America/NATO to cut their losses and move on to something else. Otherwise they might lose a lot more than just a couple hundred billion dollars.

    1. Few percent of US military budget (not state budget, and not GDP as some idiots like to get confused) in exchange for ruining russia is a splendid deal. Best ever in fact.

      1. I’d ask you why you feel Russia needs to be ruined, but I suspect you’re so deeply immersed in The Narrative that I’d receive NPC level answers.

        Just try this thought exercise: the Russians attempted to install nuclear missiles in Cuba sixty years ago, and when the Americans discovered it, it brought the world to the brink of nuclear war. Cuba is 90 miles from the American coast. Well now, American/NATO war equipment, including personnel, is in Ukraine, actively engaged in military operations against Russian military assets, and Ukraine is directly on Russia’s border. So, given past American response to Russian encroachment at the 90-mile mark, what do you think the American response would be if Russians were on the ground in Mexico engaging in exactly the sort of thing that the Americans are doing in Ukraine?

        1. Ya but … after a 1000 mile trek to enter the war make sure the trek was that of your enemy,

          Russia will be fighting on home turf … both, the EU and Russia will be destroyed … we won’t get off easy either … Nukes may fly … think about that.

          No one will win a modern full-out war nowadays, the weaponry is horrific, the hatred is blind and stupid. Blinken is a blinking idiot.

        2. Your scenario would be worse than that I.M. … since there is NO BORDER between Mexico and the USA. Would the Cartels carry nukes into the US for Russia? Everything has its $$ price … Right?

          1. And how many nukes have cartels carried into US on behalf of Religion of Peace? Asking for a friend.

        3. So in other words just to cut the bullshit of your argument you are for russian “sphere of influence” and Central Europe are NPCs to you. Clearly not going to happen, but you can dream.

          Yes russia needs to be eliminated as an entity. Its imperial dreams burred forever. The ignoble cancerous afterbirth of Mongol Empire belongs in the dustbin of history.

          1. Imperial dreams? The only one having nightmares is you. And you’re determined to make us all die for your irrational anxieties

          2. Yes imperial dreams, and for them, the whore of nations will be eliminated. Once and for all. Next deal they’ll get will be a nukes for food program…

          3. I. M. idjit, Poland is already on russian border, Baltic states are already on russian border, Finland just greatly expanded russian border with NATO. And what can Pootin do about it? Not a goddamn thing. Russia is not US, is not NATO, is not China, it is backsword, economically depressed turd world shithole that elected economic suicide and fiefdom of Chicoms. You accusing anyone of being an NPC is amusing. Go talk to Freddie he seems to be your intellectual match (one Freddie being the bottom of an IQ scale).

          4. You’ve yet to say anything intelligent, your bellicose belligerence will only result in nuclear war.
            Hence, you’re either evil or insane.

        1. L – American interest on the national debt owed to China finances China’s growing military.
          Which is supported by China’s manufacturing being the largest in the world.

          This due to Western nations de-industrialization shifting their manufacturing to China, in order to
          save the planet from Western CO2. Though China’s CO2 somehow not able to circle the
          globe via world air currents.

          1. Yeah, the CO2 excuse doesn’t really hold up.

            “They” shipped all the production to China for the free slave labor. 40 years ago a bicycle cost a Chinese peasant as much as a car cost us. Fast-forward to now, Chinese peasants are driving cars and “They” are shipping all the Chinese production to Vietnam/Indonesia/India/Africa where the peasants still buy a bicycle on three-year payment plans.

            What are they going to do when Vietnamese peasants are driving cars in 20 years? They’re planning to move production to North America, where we will all have been reduced to riding bicycles through the snow.

            I wish that was a bitter joke, but the way things are looking this seems like it might really be what they’re thinking.

          2. Phantom … sad to say … but the average American today would make great pets. Docile and stupid. The aliens who will make us their pets won’t come from outer space … they come from the East.


            The West has become slovenly and decadent. We have the fattest poor people in the history of the planet.

            BTW … I just love that distorted, discordant, guitar riff in the middle of the grim lyrics.

          1. IOU’s written on the backs of my grandchildren’s labors. Outright theft and enslavement to enrich the well-connected.

            Jesus said the LOVE of money will destroy a man. It will distort all his priorities and personality. It will “replace” God. All one needs to do is to look at the so-called elites running our country and corporations. They’re all spiritually dead. And men like that will DO ANYTHING to retain that money and power … even assassinate their most viable foe.

            I must say that is something I admire about both Trump and Elon Musk. Despite their $$ Billions and personal success … they don’t worship the dollar, but are doers and creators … who MAKE useful things for society. The WAR mongering elites? They live to destroy.

        2. How is that a better perspective? cut spending elsewhere. World domination is expensive and needs to be contested.

      2. Especially if you get the Ukes to commit generational holocaust to bring that about. Slight chance of escalation to apocalyptic levels of destruction, but we’re all confident they can keep control of this thing, right?

        1. Oh you care so much about Ukrainians, if only they orderly marched into a gulag. Ukrainians not fighting do about as well as Jews not fighting.

          1. My point is that the Ukrainians are being slaugtered in a war that is the result of foreign (US, NATO) meddling. This war didn’t have to happen. It could have been stopped. Thank Boris Johnson for preventing that. But now that nobody is allowed to even speak to Putin, NATO and the Globalist will fight to the last Ukrainian. And double down and triple down. These are 2 corrupt regime that deserve each other with hatred going back generations. Just like the filthy middle east, we don’t need to make this our problem in Canada.

          2. Power abhors vacuum. This is our problem.
            Russia is one of primary evils in the world and the one that is easiest to disable.
            Besides, helping civilized survive the genocide barbarians are committing is a moral thing to do.

          3. Another useful idjit. The entire “Boris Johnson stopped the peace deal” is fake news. Congratulations on repeating Russian propaganda.

    2. “That’s the mistake right there, as when you sink tons of money into a venture that doesn’t succeed, you don’t sink more into it in the hope of turning it around, ”

      Einstein’s definition of insanity, right there.

      1. Yes russians are insane and are bankrupting themselves. The war already cost them a lot more than they can possibly hope to gain from it. That is why they have lost already. This is not going to change, it will only get worse for them. Keep imitating ostrich on concrete, it is hilarious.

        1. The Russians don’t care about your lies. So, go LARPing over to Ukraine and play CoD until they give you reality.

          1. 4.

            You have now repeated yourself four times, no, neutering russia will not result in a nuclear war. It will prevent it. Turd world shitholes ought to know their place.

            This answer applies to every time you have repeated your pseudo point about nuclear war. Russia will be brought to its knees. That is inevitable. Russia has no feature. It has been a Mongol fiefdom for most of tis ignoble history (ever since Mongol Empire squat until Peter “the Great”). independent after that. The ill fated experiment with independence is practically over. It will be either a Chicom fiefdom now or a turd world shithole.

  6. These aren’t the weapons Putin should be worried about, it’s the ones Ukraine is currently producing that will leave Moscow dark and cold in the middle of winter. Their long range drone production has increased exponentially, and they’ve taken out several refineries.

    He can always retreat from his unjustified illegal war.

    1. “He can always retreat from his unjustified illegal war.”

      (oh look, the pride of the kiddie table is back to regale us all with his wit and wisdom. AGAIN…)

      Winners only retreat if it suits them to do so, dimwit.

    2. It’s hard to win against nukes with conventionally armed drones. That’s kind of the point of this discussion.

      I don’t see Putin retreating unless somebody -in Russia- makes him retreat, or if NATO uncorks their own nukes. France might do that, if threatened. Britain is also a wild card now, those people are crazy.

      Kindly do not forget that the Russians (or the Chicoms) can decimate Canada with three missiles. Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. That’s where everybody lives, and where -all- the business is conducted. We have absolutely nothing that can stop them. Nothing.

      Okay? Might not be such a great idea cheering for Ukraine to start shooting American missiles deep into Russia.

      1. 40 years of cold war and only one site in shitholistan was targeted by the Soviets: refinery row in Strathcona County AB, which is not far from where I live. Nothing else in shitholistan was deemed of value. If only the Russians would strike ottawa, toronto, and montreal.

    3. Why should he? The Russians are winning. Why do you think that the Americans are, yet again, doubling down on their failed strategy? Better weapons for the Ukraine didn’t work the last ten times it was tried, so why would it work now?

  7. So it looks like Trump may be taking a significant lead in the polls. And It appears Kamala may have had the questions ahead as well as advice through earphone ear rings. It also appears there may be whistle blowers . So definitely a good time to escalate the war(s). Now you see me ,now you don’t. We are in the best of hands.

  8. If you wanted to escalate the Russia-Ukraine war you would do this. And of course Russia has nuclear weapons it will never use. May we live in interesting times.

    1. ” Russia has nuclear weapons it will never use.”

      How so? as Russia has nukes on submarines that can cause a tsunami, and that is low rick use.

  9. This is just another war where nominally Christian white people kill other nominally Christian white peoples. White people are very good at warring with other white peoples. Everyone else, not at all.

  10. WW III would just be the icing on the cake for this catastrophic Biden/Harris/Obama/Deep State administration. And don’t think this isn’t all intentional – we’re dealing with filthy no good America-hating communists here.

      1. Absolutely. Komrade Kamala and Tim “I’ve been to Red China 30+ times” Walz especially.

    1. I cannot disagree…
      That CABAL of filth: Biden, Harris, Obama, Clintons, Pelosi, Mayorka and many others to name but a few…

      “..filthy no good America-hating communists..”

  11. The dog that didn’t bark: Why are no politicians calling for a cease fire in Ukraine?
    We hear them call for a ceasefire in Gaza every day.

    1. Could it be the Biden administration sees the war as an opportunity so not much a problem, and maybe Putin has given his ultimatums and they’re a no go?

      Molotov-Ribbentropp of a kind. Putin has 140M people and oil, but it’s a bad economy. I don’t think the oligarchy loves a smaller opportunity space. Putin will have interesting times.

    2. Stan
      When you spend a million to get a 200K/annual job, the corps that financed you tell you what your policy is!

    3. Yup. We always hear calls for cease fire and negotiations, even with the scummiest enemies and vilest acts. The word is nobody talks to Putin, ever, period. Carlson got in deep do-do for just doing an interview. A notable point Putin made: who can he talk to in the West? Biden? Harris? Macron? I mean even our external affairs Barbie said Canada’s policy is regime change in Russia. Putin maybe an asshole, but he’s in charge.

    4. Why no ceasefire … stop the genocide … protests about Ukraine? Because Qatar isn’t funding those RIOTS.

  12. This war must be stopped! Ukraine cannot win this and Russia will only allow so much Western interference! Biden /Harris are leading the West into World war 3!
    Trump’s win is critical!——-Where is “The Atlantic Council”???

    1. “This war must be stopped! Ukraine cannot win this and Russia will only allow so much Western interference!”

      You know that, I know that and every other reasonable, rational adult here knows that. The problem is all the Useful Idiots who have been convinced by the never-ending propaganda spewed by the MSM that somehow, some way Ukraine might just possibly be able to beat the Russian army and drive them back across the border into Russia. This is of course PURE FANTASY, as evidenced by Russia’s continuous advancement along almost every front in Ukraine.

  13. Canada is all in …
    “Canada fully supports Ukraine using long-range weaponry to prevent and interdict Russia’s continued ability to degrade Ukrainian civilians (and) infrastructure, and mostly to kill innocent civilians in their unjust war,” Trudeau told reporters at a news conference in Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Que., on Friday.

    1. Things like this are how you can tell #ShinyPony really is a moron. He’s treating this as just another photo-op where he goes out and does his little Mr. Dressup show, then jumps in the car and runs off to his next show.

      He clearly doesn’t understand what’s going on or what’s at stake. He’s told to use “Serious Face” when he reads the script this time, so he does.

  14. The use of long range weaponry will do nothing to deter Russia. Who’s making these decisions in the White House anyway? One can assume it’s not Biden

  15. The Turd is an idiot pushing Canada into a war with a nuclear armed country, while Canada absolutely refuses to provide the equipment needed to fight any conventional war.
    Canada doesn’t have nuclear submarines, nor actual ships to supply a war supporting Ukraine, nor has the military personnel to fight a war. I guess on the good side of the ledger, if there’s a nuclear exchange between the USA and Russia it’s mostly Ontario and Quebec which are between the two of them.

    At this following link, is the most recent evidence showing how tier 2 Canada fits into NATO’s military expenditures.
    5th from the bottom of the % spent, bottom next to Belgium on the chart of % spent on equipment.

    Canada has no business rattling any sabres.
    Canada hasn’t met the NATO 2% of GDP requirement since Brian Mulroney was PM in 1988, and note that military pensions are included in these charts contrary to NATO guidelines, and Canada’s ACTUAL equipment AND overall expenditures could be lowest of the bunch. It’s almost impossible to tell as any questions for the PM are always cloaked in bullshit and evasiveness.

    Always expect tier 2 Canada to be last of the bunch, and you’ll never be disappointed, this is the legacy of the #Libranos

  16. What about giving the Ukraine back their nukes that the U.S. tricked them into giving up and then letting them alone to negotiate a truce with Russia?

          1. The UN Charter (1945)
            The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (1970)
            The Helsinki Accords (1975)
            The Belovezha Accords and subsequent treaties (1991–92)
            The Budapest Memorandum (1994)
            The Border Treaty and the Treaty on Azov Sea and Kerch Strait (2003)
            The Treaty on Black Sea Fleet (1997)
            The Friendship Treaty (1998)

            All broken by russia.

  17. People need to understand that the United States, under the questionable leadership of a regime that has effectively deposed the President, is on the brink of starting an all out war with Russia: without debate or congressional authorization. Just in time for the election.

    Do you get how insane and evil this is?

    1. The screwed up thing is that nobody knows who is in charge on the Western side. As Putin said, who does he talk to if he wants to negotiate? Who’s running the US right now, and its foreign policy? The CIA has been setting this up for decades, barely hiding it.

  18. The fact that these strikes with US weapons have to be authorised by the US shows you who is running this war. Ditto with other long ranged Brit weapons. No doubt the US is also providing targeting information and all the planning needed for execution. Intel is what feeds war plans and the intel the west has been providing ukraine has enabled it to resist Russia far beyond its natural abilities. Duh, of course and duh, Putin knows it too. Is this supposed to help fortify the US elections? What purpose would these deep strike serve? It will be militarely inconsequential, but a very dangerous escalation. Do they want to push Putin to strike NATO? With the US’ and NATO countries open borders, there are about a thousand different ways Russia can hit back. And make it hurt. The west has been spared retribution in its involvement and machinations in that region up to now. But they keep poking and they might get the horns soon. These people are nuts.

    1. “What purpose would these deep strike serve? ”

      Crippling ork critical infrastructure like powerplants or refineries and staging areas of key assets like aircraft. Duh.

      The rest of your post is predictable bullshit.

    2. Well, up until now this has been a war over the future of the Ukraine, its purpose to establish a defensible frontier and peaceful relations with Russia on whatever terms that may require. With this new step, this becomes a war against Russia, to which the future of Ukraine is simply irrelevant. The purpose now is to damage and if possible destroy Russia. The Ukrainians can drop dead, literally. Apparently someone thinks this is a good idea.

      The silver lining is that Putin is old school KGB and oriented by nature to anti-western ops. He is uniquely equipped to recognize and take psychologically devastating steps that do little or no lasting damage, so there’s a good chance that the Russians will knock us over without doing us real harm. God help us if Putin falls and is replaced by an army man, who would simply blow us all to hell. But frankly, if we insist on convincing them that they have to knock us over, they’ll knock us over.

  19. Anyone who thinks they can predict what will happen in a war is a mental fckn midget.
    And if things become kill or be killed, maybe everybody dies.
    Or wishes they were dead.

    1. I can predict what will happen in a war. Two things. Uncertainty followed by escalating insanity.

  20. Let’s see if I have any Nostradamus in me:
    1. Create a new crisis
    2. Remove Biden and place the blame on him
    3. In steps Harris, and a remarkably agreeable EU leadership follows her lead (scripted)…including Ukraine. This, also, gets her out of interviews and campaigning embarrassments.
    4. Crisis diverted, Harris looks good, and gains gravitas in the process on foreign policy (of which she has absolutely zilch at present)

    Ladies and Gentlemen your “October Surprise” (which needs to come in September due to early voting.) The timing on this is just way too convenient. If I were Biden I’d get a food tester.

  21. People keep talking about nukes in this thread like it’s the only option to the Russians. Remember the old Cold War days when the KGB controlled many “grassroot” outfits, and had Greenpeace protest cruise missiles from Germany to Cold Lake? Or the moles they had in every intel agency, university, and NGO? Heck some of those programs to subvert the west are still in zombie mode on university campuses, disconnected from the brain since 1991. Use your imagination. Not one person in the Capitol doesn’t have skeletons in the closet. Heck, one day Pelosi’s husband may have a visiting lover with something bigger than a hammer. Fang Fang could have the clap. Beyond Kompromat there are also more direct methods, more personal. Trump wasn’t shy about making things personal, ask the Taliban boss or little rocket man. Western political leadership is so corrupt and back-stabbing it would not be difficult for Putin to make it personal and get even. Blow up the Davos confab, just for starters and see the rats scatter.

  22. I see that the moderator-bot censored my previous post where I gave myself a swear pass.
    I will try again, and say that the [bleepin] turd and his global-elitists allies will all take us to the brink of nuclear annihilation.
    Yes, I actually used the “f” word. Not some hybrid euphemistic acronym like “fc.” I actually used the word (because I didn’t care about niceties and sensibilities when I wrote that post), and so, in this instance, I don’t blame the moderator-bot for bleeping the entire post.
    But having that post censored doesn’t change how I feel about the turd. I have a special designer Nuremburg neck-tie picked out especially for him.

  23. Opinions don’t win wars.. Neither do noncombatants.. Ukraine wants to use long range weapons because the short range ones are not working.. Obviously losing..

  24. Russia will drop a nuke on Kiev, if Ukraine pushes to hard with western long range weapons.. That will be the WW3 warning shot.. Lets not do that..

    1. That is not how it will play. The Ukies can start these strikes, but they will make use of NATO personnel to run the systems. Start looking for NATO bases in weird places to start having serious, unexplained “explosions”. There will be groups of senior NATO members in sudden, tragic “plane crashes”. Terrible “explosions” due to “detonating weaponry” on NATO ships.

      Hope you are all well-prepped …

      Russia is ready to start killing NATO senior leadership on their home soil. Oh and the grid in much of the West is utterly incapable of withstanding a few well-placed missile hits. Plunging all of North America into an 8 week blackout in winter would end the US economy and end NATO.

  25. Jackass Jake Sullivan: “It is not about geography. It is about common sense,” he said. “If Russia is attacking or about to attack from its territory into Ukraine it only makes sense to allow Ukraine to hit back.”

    Translation: If Putin is directing the attacks on Ukraine it only makes sense to hit The Kremlin. It’s not about geography. Welcome to global thermonuclear war.

    1. It won’t come to that. NATO is going to back down on that. Putin has explained to them in detail what he will hit, and how. And NATO is powerless to stop it. Informing NATO leaders and their politicians who will be killed and when, probably has a tendency to sharpen Western minds, and bring “clarity” to things.

      There are no NATO bunkers deep enough …
