Dust In The Wind

Public- Wind Industry Is Killing Sea Life On East Coast, Fishermen Say

Over the last three years, we have been documenting the ecological catastrophe quietly unfolding on the East Coast. With the support of the US government, the wind industry is killing whales and other sea life. If nothing changes, the wind industry will make the North Atlantic right whale go extinct.

Article is paywalled but there’s enough here to get the point

Commercial fishermen all around Block Island are telling similar stories. Ever since the wind farms came to the ocean, lobsters are hard to find. Formerly productive scallop beds are dead. Cod have disappeared.

17 Replies to “Dust In The Wind”

  1. Oh, so it’s not the kumbaya promised by Prime Moron and his Climate clown Guilleblow, is it?
    They promised many times in the past that if we all do green stuff, it will be better for everyone.

  2. Give wind power an equally invasive “environmental assessment” as any other form of conventional energy and it would never get built.

  3. The solution is simple. Take all the wind contraptions out of the ocean and cover Martha’s Vineyard with them. And they can be maintained by Venezuelan gang members, err … migrants.

    1. If you want to make them even dumber, build them in the middle of the ocean where the service life is massively decreased and the cost of installation and maintenance is massively increased.

      1. “If you want to make them even dumber, build them in the middle of the ocean where the service life is massively decreased and the cost of installation and maintenance is massively increased.”

        A good point. I don’t know if they even bother to service them anymore.

  4. My sister had a place on Block Island until a couple years ago. Those turbines rarely seemed to spin, at least the times I was there visiting. Total waste of money.

    1. “My sister had a place on Block Island until a couple years ago. Those turbines rarely seemed to spin, at least the times I was there visiting. Total waste of money.”

      And if you see them turning very, very slowly chances are they are in fact being driven by a generator to keep the bearings from developing flat spots….so not just failing to provide any electricity, but actually *using* electricity.

  5. same thing on land courtesy premier wynnedfarm
    countless migratory, endangered, and top predator type birds.
    all laying dead at the feet of the godforsaken bird-o-matics.
    but only count the ones within a certain radius, those outside must have died from other causes. and ask liberals for all the instriuctions and excuses why this wont work properly anywhere

  6. I’m betting it’s fishermen who are killing all the fish. But I’m okay if the blame for every ecological eff-up is blamed on this green stupidity.

    1. You know, I believe this is some kind of spam comment. Hard to tell, since hot girls are indeed relevant to many of these topics, but I have suspicions.

  7. Perfect timing. Just saw this on youtube.

    Rhode island fisherman sends underwater drone to investigate 10 year old wind turbine.
    Boring video summary-
    Finds lots of mussels and fish using structure for shelter, some construction debris… overall, nothing outrageous. Hardly a ‘dead spot’

    Needs more investigating
