13 Replies to “Friday On Turtle Island”

  1. The Professional (Liar).
    Hyena Harris asks for your vote, in order to continue the Biden tradition of voluminous, and easily debunked lies because she believes voters to be as ill-informed as she is. Enumerating her lies from Tuesday night’s debate produces a document whose length rivals War and Peace.


  2. The Rotherham Muslim rape gangs are just a tiny percentage of what is going on in England. They are a select group made an example of to sooth people into thinking the government is doing something. Meanwhile they are still out there freely preying on British girls and woman.

    Their ilk are among the ones being released to make room for the Tommy Robinson types.

  3. Regarding the polyamory study it concludes that “ the presence of several loving and caring adults in the lives of their children is perceived by polyamorous parents as beneficial for the emotional, social and intellectual development of their children,”.

    Isn’t that the role of aunts and uncles in a normal family structure? Why does emotional, social and intellectual development of children have to be sexualized? What is wrong with these people? Who dropped them on their heads when they were young?

  4. Re… Evangelicals for Harris.

    Sort of reminds me of “Gays for Palestine,” or “Chickens for KFC…”

    1. Except these are voters.

      They think Trump is a disingenuous Christian.
      Anybody ‘ever’ see him in a church?

      Even Bill Clinton carried a bible around for a prop.
