17 Replies to “Fulfilling Our NATO Commitment”

  1. L – Outer Space woke report: Venus is the female planet, named after a goddess and she is hot!
    That should qualify for $$ .

  2. So, if they can’t get our dollars in their collection plates, they just ring up their buddy, Caesar.

  3. I think the word salad is worth at least $10k. In other space news, Space X got the first tourist space walk done yesterday. I’m pretty sure Project Ploughshares wasn’t involved.

    1. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh mommmmaaaaaaa … but only $Billionaires$ get to “walk” in space. Where’s the “equity” in that?

  4. Project Ploughshares? Really?

    He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.

    So … the Prophet Isaiah wasn’t talking about WAR between the sexes, sexual preferences, and races? THAT war can still be conducted in space? Church my ass.

  5. Grifting, grifters are going to grift.. Its free money, right?.. And if you don’t take it some other grifter will..

  6. A report on feminist space exploration? Presumably addressing the role of Miss Piggy in”Pigs In Space”.
