Google Commemorative Logos You’ll Never See

Via Ed Morrissey;

Google “growth strategist” Dakota Leazer got confronted by James O’Keefe after telling an undercover reporter that his company had been “definitely coordinating” with the Kamala Harris campaign. He had told the woman, who had set up Leazer on a date, that his platform and other Big Tech companies were promoting Harris in an attempt to “get her to win.” […]

Be sure to watch the whole video, which dropped on Wednesday, the day after the debate. Reasonable people may think Leazer looks a bit too low-level to reach a definitive conclusion about Google’s intentions, and maybe he just was trying to impress his date. Perhaps, but … Google’s actions at higher levels raise exactly the same suspicion.

For instance, did you know that Google’s attorney in their DoJ anti-trust case helped Kamala Harris prep for the debate that took place the night before O’Keefe released this video?

11 Replies to “Google Commemorative Logos You’ll Never See”

  1. Shocked, I say…gobsmacked even…NOT!!!

    Those who don’t think collusion has been happening, are the grandest conspiracy theorists EVAH!!!

  2. Yes, they do this and have been doing this since IoE. Internet of Everything. Didn’t work in 2016, so mail-in-ballots, unverified, unproved it is. I’m getting the feeling that if Trump wins by any margin large or small, they won’t let him take office and remember when they accused him of that when it happens.

  3. Don’t worry … the DOJ will be on to this election interference with the same vigor they went after Tenet media and RT … Russia, Russia, muh Russia !!!

    Merrick Garland just gave a long winded speech about that yesterday … how his DOJ isn’t politically biased. Yeah, right …

    1. That sounds very much like the kind of desperate incel site this Google employee surfs. O’Keefe has a proven formulae for entrapping these douchebags doesn’t he. Be it desperate gay men looking for a new bottom … or a hetero incel looking to dip his wick … they all think with their tiny heads.
