33 Replies to “Say It Isn’t So, Joe!”

    1. Wouldn’t Surprise me in the slightest.

      I don’t think he “likes/d” Cameltoe whatsoever…. He might be old & a crook but being saddled with an utter dipshit like Kamala…just had to piss him off – and it shows..no?
      Nor being unceremoniously sent out to pasture
      So I could potentially see him deciding to VISIBLY & Publicly Vote for Donald Trump.
      Now wouldn’t THAT be something..!!

      Once done we all can have a lottery as to how long he remains alive…

      1. That’s the thing about being a lying, corrupt, traitorous, piece of shit your whole life – the backroom communist oligarchs and Intel cabal have tons of leverage over you. So a dirt bag like Joe and his degenerate family are entirely at their mercy.

    1. I’ve speculated that to get back at Biden’s ousters, he may be ready to pardon Trump just prior to the election. Then Joe could exit as the great unifier , attempting to bring the country together, blah blah…. , rather than be remembered for his disastrous term as president.

  1. Soooo, that clip of Biden putting on the MAGA hat over top the hat he was wearing WASN’T A I ???
    That was for real ???

    1. Yes. There’s a video that shows the whole context. A guy was wearing the hat. Biden app error apparently asked for it and put it on.

      1. Assuming yours is not a rhetorical question:
        “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”.
        William Congreve

  2. Some may think Joe took the hat as a sign to those who’ve ousted him from his second term… I’ve said previously that Joe Biden is in a category of his own when it comes to being vindictive. So it appears that Garland is as well lol…


    If Joe’s seen the recent polling and thinks Kamala can’t win, then what’s to lose for just being Joe?
    Once you’ve taken everything from a man, they’re free, with nothing else to lose.

    1. He put the knife in and twisted it hard. Amazing. Everyone there knew what he did. That guy even said you want mine??? Wow

    1. ” What does he have to lose? ”
      Well, he could wake up one morning and find out congress has enacted the #25th Amendment, and he Biden,,, would have no power to pardon anyone, including Hunter, his brother, daughter, wife Jill etc etc.

      cause wouldn’t you have to be insane, if you were a Dem sitting Pres, and put on, and take home a Trump hat. That’s how msnbc would sell it, and the rest of the Media.

      1. Maybe. Maybe not.

        I suspect he knows a LOT of secret stuff that influential people don’t want exposed.

  3. Did you readers miss the ‘white supremist hand signal’? Surely Joe should be charged for spreading mischief and insurrection with that little signal!

  4. He knew more about the assassination attempt than he now would like to know. He may not have been in a position to stop it (but I believe he approved – ironically now the same cabal has gotten rid of him).

    This is a signal to Trump that, if they both survive, he is not going to cause any trouble for him.

  5. Joe does whatever Jill tells him to do. She was the big push behind his second term attempt, she’s the bitter one. She’s probably the person who obtained the MAGA hat for him. I doubt Joe wanted a second term at all. Just wants to be left alone to sit on the beach, or watch TV and eat lots of ice cream.

  6. Assuming the video is real, and the hat isn’t AI generated, then that is indeed a signal. It isn’t quite blinking “torture” in Morse code, but it’s a lot more obvious than a poker tell.

    For whom is the message intended, that’s the question.

    1. It’s being speculated on X that this is a Phillies hat. So why is he carrying it? He has aides for that stuff.

  7. Most dementia patient are very focused on silly things, my guess he was not going to give up the hat because he had no idea what it meant?

  8. This is not about the hat, people.. This is about the thumbs up signal that he inserted into the wave to the crowd. It is barely noticeable but if you watch carefully he smiles as he signals the thumbs up to Trump. I’ll bet most here will have missed the different sizes of lecturns on the debate stage too. Gotta stay sharp people.

  9. I drove across the great fruited plain the past coupla days and listened to some US radio. NPR spins the Biden exit as an act of patriotism. He voluntarily stepped aside.

    BS. Biden won the primaries. He was seeking a 2nd term until Pelosi, Obama and Chuck knifed him. He was the peoples choice.

    Harris was hand picked as his VP. She was then slipped into the position as the Dems presidential candidate. Again without a contest or endorsement from the rank and file. She is illegitimate by any measure.

    If Joe is bitter who would blame him?
