That Sinking Feeling

Even the mainstream media is belatedly acknowledging what many SDA readers have known for a long time: the Ukraine is running out of soldiers who are willing and able to fight.

As a battalion commander, Dima was in charge of around 800 men who fought in some of the fiercest, bloodiest battles of the war – most recently near Pokrovsk, the strategic eastern town that is now on the brink of falling to Russia.

But with most of his troops now dead or severely injured, Dima decided he’d had enough. He quit and took another job with the military – in an office in Kyiv.

CNN spoke to six commanders and officers who are or were until recently fighting or supervising units in the area. All six said desertion and insubordination are becoming a widespread problem, especially among newly recruited soldiers.

12 Replies to “That Sinking Feeling”

  1. Why aren’t any politicians or media calling for a ceasefire in the Money Laundering War?
    Every day we hear calls for a ceasefire in Gaza.

    Where is Canada’s ‘famous’ nation of peacekeepers reputation?

  2. Shameful that their only hope is Trump.

    Liberals really love this war and despise anyone who suggests ending it. The radical left is disgusting.

    1. Canadian Liberals and anyone else who espouse this War are NeoCon War mongering FiLTH.

      That inbred cave dwelling section of humanity is really a modern day version of NAZIISM.
      Constant war…Trouble is THIS time, they are going to start WWIII. Sending LONG range missiles to Zelenskiy…? It should be CLEAR & Painfully obvious that said NeoCons truly DO wish to start (EXPAND), a war that will inevitably go NUCLEAR.

      Ukrainian Casualties to date..?? 500,000+ or even more..?

      I pray this will not occur…
      NO Living thing on this planet will survive a Nuclear holocaust..
      TRUMP Must WIN…

  3. I would have thought that having Victoria Nuland in Kyiv enticing them with more sophisticated weapons for the Ukrainians to deploy further into Russia would have bolstered their resolve to die for deranged US neocons. /sarc

  4. Paging Jessica and Surfur. The 2 idiots who think the Ukes are winning this schittshow.
    Before the war Ukr5aine was the 4th largest military missile producer, in the world.Now they are short skilled labour

  5. with the ukrainians now far into Russia. how long till there is an encircled army like the battle of the bulge ?

    1. “With the ukrainians now far into Russia. how long till there is an encircled army like the battle of the bulge ?”

      I wonder who sold the Ukrainians on the idea of this incursion in the first place? Clearly they thought Putin would take the bait and pull troops from the front lines in the Donbass…he did not.

      Ukraine won’t have any hope of maintaining a viable supply line if Russia does decide to cut them off.

  6. That’s curious … ? Because the media tells me that Ukraine has lost almost ZERO soldiers. That ALL the casualties are on the Russian side … where they use heartless conscripts who don’t really want to fight. Ukraine is winning, Right? They have killer drones flying deep into Russia … Right?

    Sheesh. WW-Reddit has been nothing but a pack of lies.
