That’s It?

Blacklock’s- Faith In Fed Gov’t Collapsing

51 percent nationwide said they distrusted the government. A third of respondents, 33 percent, said they “strongly” distrusted Ottawa. Only eight percent said they had absolute faith in the government.

Regionally the level of distrust ranged as high as 64 percent in Alberta, 57 percent in Saskatchewan and Manitoba, 51 percent in British Columbia, Ontario and Atlantic Canada and 43 percent in Québec.

Asked, “How much do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The federal government is competent,” 51 percent rated it incompetent. The figure ranged as high as 61 percent in Alberta.

22 Replies to “That’s It?”

  1. You can tell who the 8% Turd worshipers are; they are the fluoride stare, mask wearers, waiting in line demanding more clot-shot Boosters.

  2. The new question should be “do you believe the federal government is actively working to hurt you and your family?” Driving people the the MAID program when they need medical care, castrating our sons, mutilating our daughters? What examples can you think of?

    1. BINGO …. those that get all the “free stuff” from the feds ie the Quebecers love the gov’t and would love to get even more money for doing nothing.

      1. Correct. And permit me to quote myself from a few days ago

        “Beneath their air of press-on modernity – of which they is so very proud – the average French Canadian is a mere two or three generations removed from one of the most docile, unquestioning, obedient, quietistic groups of people ever to inhabit the earth since the Dark Ages. And while they have thrown out their Clericalism and Catholicism, they still believe in saints, miracles and magic (remember Lucien Bouchard’s fabled “magic wand?”), only now these exist in the secular/political realm aka ‘Salvation through the State’.”

        BTW, who the heck are the 8% who said they had “absolute faith in the government”???? Were they polling in mental hospitals?

          1. As irritating of the Children of 1789 – Danton, Robespierre et al – are, the Quebecois are actually not part of this. They are a pre-Enlightenment fragment plucked from ultramontanist ancien regime France. A pious, obedient and quietistic society, there were no printing presses in New France. Indeed, unless you count the Quiet Revolution, French Canada never had an enlightenment as Louis Hartz and his grad student (and my former prof) Ken McRae noted in “the Founding of New Societies.”

            Given their pre-Elightenment (read: tribal) roots, it is no coincidence that the only jurisdiction in North America where “blood and soil”-style nationalism has ever found resonance is Quebec.

            This, plus their traditonal demographic supremacy vis-a-vis others in the province has imbuded them with a love of the state

  3. Canadians always want the government to DO SOMETHING!
    Because most of them are pig ignorant and stupid.
    Acknowledging that their government shouldn’t/can’t be trusted is like punching themselves in the genitals.
    The 8% work for the government and probably make a shit-ton o’ cash with a platinum pension to boot.

  4. Many Career politicians, government employees and deep state operatives Senator Kennedy describes as,
    “the kind of people that would unplug your life support to charge up their phones!”
    And he would know.

  5. We’ve still got a ways to go, but the blatant insanity of Covid restrictions pushed a lot of people over the edge.

  6. L – Canadians are distrustful of our political leadership? We have political leadership? Since when?
