15 Replies to “Today In The Vote Rich Rapey-Beheader Community”

  1. The liberal government of Canada is beyond contempt. Resign, Trudeau, before we make you.

  2. Mel Jolly is as pathetic a Minister of FA as we’ve had. A Demarais schill.

    The quebek fwenchman loves his Arab brothers.

  3. So does this mean we won’t be sending the moth balled subs from the West Ed mall to Isreal? Or super soaker water guns that are apparently dangerous weapons? Possibly they could accelerate the restricted weapons confiscation, and send them.What does our military have that would be any benefit to Isreal? We know they don’t have Isreal’s six , so they just spew a lot of bs in order to try and gain votes. Unfortunately, there is likley a lot more support for Hamas than there should be.

    1. I am not disparaging the people of our military services, but rather the shameful lack of up to date equipment and support given by our government.

      1. The government has decided to send 100k WW2 era browning hi-powers that they have been storing to Ukraine, they were in storage because the government was unable to get parts, and decided to go with a plastic wonder pistol.

        No word on where Ukraine is going to get parts for these guns.

  4. If there was a protest like that outside of where the terrorists gather for their events you can bet the police would break it up quick, our police exist to protect terrorists first.

    Liberals would love to unleash the police on the Jews, but we’re not there yet…

  5. The Eloi vote has shrunk for the Spawn Fuhrer but they’ll get as many votes as possible from the Rapey-Beheader demographic. They might even lose some of the Jewish vote which is a mere fifth of the Muslim numbers.

  6. “Israel appreciates the support of the overwhelming majority of Canadians in our just war against Hamas”

    LOL, no. Canadians absolutely DO NOT support Israel’s exterminationist campaign against Gaza, and here are the receipts to prove it:

    “A Leger poll published this month [July] and commissioned by the staunchly pro-Israel National Post showed 45 per cent of Canadians “agree that Israel is committing genocide in the Gaza Strip,” representing a two per cent increase from a similar Leger poll taken in January.” …..

    “Also this month, Angus Reid published a poll that showed 55 per cent of Canadians have a negative opinion of Israel, compared to 29 per cent who view it favourably.

    The numbers are starker when broken down by age, as just 20 per cent of males aged between 18 and 34 and 14 per cent of females in that age group view Israel favourably.” …..

    “A recent academic study, published in the journal Canadian Jewish Studies, found that among non-Jewish Canadian adults, 49 per cent agreed that “the war Israel is conducting in Gaza is an example of genocide.”

    As well, 34 per cent agreed that Israel is an apartheid state, and 38 per cent agreed that Zionism, the nationalist ideology upon which the state of Israel is based, is “a form of racism.”” …..

    “He referred to a CJPME-commissioned poll published in September 2023 which found that among those with an opinion on the matter, 38 per cent agreed Israel is a “state with segregation similar to apartheid.” Just 11 per cent of those who responded described Israel as a “vibrant democracy.”

    Two months later, an Angus Reid poll found that 43 per cent of Canadians believe “Israeli policy towards Gaza is a form of apartheid,” compared with 27 per cent who disagreed with that assessment.” …..

    “Meanwhile, analysis by The Breach has shown that since Israel began its latest war on Gaza, Canadian media coverage has consistently skewed in favour of Israel and downplayed the violence in Gaza.

    Despite this, the June Leger poll showed 23 per cent of respondents felt “mainstream media” coverage was generally more favourable towards Palestinians, compared with 17 per cent who felt it was more favourable towards Israelis. One-fifth said the coverage has been “generally balanced.”” …..

    “Besides the slight increase in those who believe Israel is committing a genocide as shown in Leger’s findings, Bueckert noted that there was also a decrease in those who disagreed and a slight increase in those who said that they don’t know.

    He believes this may be due to a softening of support among those who might not be considered “hardcore” supporters of Israel, but who would otherwise typically defer to Israel’s narrative of events.

    “I think that does suggest that the hardcore or even latent support that Israel had has softened pretty significantly,” said Bueckert. “People who are willing to defend Israel’s actions are disappearing.””


    1. Your polling data underscores the reason why the state should not be involved in foreign aid in all forms. It’s a winner take all free pass for the governing party to go against the wishes of half of the taxpayers at any one time. You want to fund Hamas and their jihad, you go ahead just as those who feel inclined to help Israel defend themselves from Jihad can do so with their own coin. In such an environment perhaps few would fund either party.
