7 Replies to “A Detailed Look At The Trump Hoaxes”

  1. I can’t find any information on The American debunk. I don’t trust any of the debunking sites as everyone is biased to a certain extent, and some are SO biased as to be laughable.
    Fact checking sites have become useless as each one is so biased you might as well just accept that as a peasant you have no way of knowing wtf information you are receiving is true.
    It takes a lot of research to find out the origins of a story and often I just have to lol and exclaim FFS!
    In my reasonably unbiased opinion, every story any Democrat tells about Trump is either taken out of context, misconstrued, or just made up completely. They hate the guy and anyone who hates a person isn’t likely to admit they were right about something.
    Political discussion nowadays is akin to the “Liars Contests” that were held at some old time community gatherings, where local bullshitters vied for the most fantastic tale. The winner often won a turkey of bottle of rye.

    But that was for entertainment, these guys now are serious, and it ain’t funny or even entertaining except to morons.

  2. Google American debunk, no results on 1st page onward.
    Google The American Debunk, no results on 1st page onward.
    Google Americandebunk, no results on 1st page onward.
    Etc, etc, so on and so on.
    That’s enough to tell me right there it is legit and it exposes the election interference and the massive exposure threat it is to our new world overloads.
    Orwell would be impressed, best bookmark it if you ever want to find it again.

    Cheers Seb

  3. This is so wild to me. They present all these clips trying to say he’s being taken out of context, and he definitely is a little bit, but have ya’ll actually watched all these videos? Can you seriously watch this man speak about injecting disinfectants or bloodbaths for the whole country and say to yourself, “this man should lead the most powerful free nation on Earth”? Even just the way he speaks I wouldn’t elect him to school board trustee.

    1. Trump was being factious when talking about disinfectants and such. People are way too stupid these days.

  4. Scott Adams mentioned this site today so it’s probably overloaded by people (not Andrew) visiting today.
