40 Replies to “More Pavilions At Folkfest”

    1. They migrate, too, but comparing any brown people with pigs despite an existing factual connection equals to a crime here, so let’s say IF they were white, their behaviour would be /Sus/. But because not, it’s enrichment by a marginalized minority.

    1. Well, it’s the look and the dress that matter, isn’t it? No one minds the trespassing and theft. Except racists. of course.

      1. Hey Enema69, did your mail order bride from Wuhan arrive yet? No?
        This is what you get for telling her that dumpster driving is the cornerstone of your career.
        How are things otherwise? Still a ranting failure in life that none treats seriously?

    1. Yup. Had some picked fresh for lunch at an uncle’s farm many years ago when I was a kid. I said something about it being OK, but not very sweet. Auntie: “Oh, it’s just field corn, honey.”


      Not too bad when picked just right and put straight into the pot, but you’re right, farmer rob. It’s a small window and I don’t think those people were anywhere close to hitting that window.

      Now perhaps they were looking to dry it and grind it… I dunno.

      1. Indeed, feed (or field) corn can be reasonably edible if it goes straight from the field and into the pot. The sugars in those varieties of corn are quickly converted to starch once the corn is picked. You also have to pick that corn at a fairly early stage of ripening, as those sugars convert naturally in later stages of ripening.

        I spent a few years in Belgium, and sweet corn was almost impossible to find, and the locals were amazed that any sane person would want to eat fresh corn. We once found some actual sweet corn, and our skeptical local friends were quite pleasantly surprised at just how good it tasted.

  1. Do these fine Muslim people use the WHOLE of the corn? The kernels, the cob, the stalks … everything … unlike the white folk who just strip the kernels and toss the rest away?

    As such, they’re better stewards of the corn … and are entitled to all they can eat.

  2. Cultural appropriation. Certain cultures can confiscate corn in Canada.

    On the other hand, if your palate prefers a break from high sugar foods , al dente feed corn roasted on an open fire is a tasty treat.

    1. I thought that The West didn’t have these sorts of problems, and it was only Ontario that allowed the migrants to roam free.

      Although I admit if they were doing this in a Markham cornfield it wouldn’t make the news. In Markham they do it at the 7/11. With guns.

  3. Intentional legal/illegal immigration which excludes Europeans, into European settled cultures, will cause enmity between people. Especially when new-comers are aware their purpose is not to assimilate but to divide; welfare for any who don’t wish to participate in society (ghetto’s become no-go zones); jobs for any who want one with little training, groomed to be divisive citizens, politicians, bureaucrats, first-responders, or any government so-called worker; quick drivers licence for many who are proving to require much more driver training. All at the financial & cultural expense of existing communities. Canadians aren’t racist enough for our racist Chi-Com overlords so they’ll create some.

  4. The importance of photo & video-based evidence has never been more important. If the narrative is to ever shift, it won’t do so until the burden of truth becomes too heavy for the talking heads to deny.

    1. yes there is “A War on Noticing” Have you noticed that?

      To notice and to point the facts out is to contradict The Narrative

  5. Starting a new life in Canada!
    In the old days, they could experience western charm and hospitality when the farmer rode up on them on a horse, carrying a lever action rifle..

    If they just had, you know, ASKED, they might have gotten some, along with an explanation, if they speak english (doubtful)..

  6. On a positive note, at least they aren’t shitting in the field (unlike the beaches they frequent).
