26 Replies to “Oh, The Humanity…”

  1. Yup. Bitching about “unsafe” offices.

    This, from the same caring unions that supported the compelled injection of their members with fake vaccines.

    Monty Python couldn’t have dreamed this crap up.

  2. I hope those work stations are real. Also, shouldn’t they be stationed there 5 days a week?
    Do they have to wear cut/abrasion resistant gloves to avoid paper cuts and friction burns from all those quick agile movements required of them? The construction industry has long felt the oversight of government within their industry, I think it’s time to share the love. Everyday we’re told that “safety is job 1”


    I think this company is originally from Acton Ontario, so you just know they’re compliant with Canada’s industry leading compliance schedule.

    Should there be individual waste drains for all the sweat that’s being squeegeed from their floor space?

  3. Why is there a photo of someone’s lunch? Are taxpayers providing lunch now?

    (“You vill eat zee bugs!”)

  4. Maybe if you unionized the cleaners and paid them what they’re worth, your overpaid members could feel safer.

  5. The hypocrisy would be hilarious if it wasn’t so tragic. So let’s get this right. PSAC wants government workers to work from home instead of being crowded into a work cubicle because the cubicle is….what exactly, unsafe, de-humanizing, or (fill in the blanks). So let all government workers work from home, in more friendly environments. They can set up their work(?) stations where exactly ? In the kids bedroom, their bedroom, the kitchen, the living room, the dining room, the laundry room, the front hall, the basement, the garage, just where exactly do you set aside a six by six work cubicle without sacrificing a part of your own bought and paid for or rented personal living spac? PSAC has a very queer idea of how most of their members live. Try setting up an office space in a two or three bedroom apartment and see how much space you can create! Maybe they can con some of their members into this dystopian Utopia but to any sentient thinking worker all PSAC is doing is off-loading government office costs onto the backs of the gullible.

  6. Why are PSAC members bringing dirty rags to work, or was that after they wiped the sweat and grime off themselves from after riding the elevator to their office?

  7. Can snivel servants expense their home office on their taxes?
    Does gov pay them extra for the use of their home office?
    If so, I bet the public might want to know about that.

  8. The big issues, but not the only by any means, with going back to the office are… get up and shower before 8 AM, child care, elder care, dog walking, cleaning service, gas for the car, etc… not to mention getting out of sweat pants and finding socks.

    1. That is all well and good, Bert, but how about the added costs of heating and cooling all these special home cubicles, the extra water and sewage costs on the outlying municipalities, the extra power comsumption for lighting during the winter. Didn’t we learn back in the late Eighteenth century when we progressed from a cottage industry economy to an industrial economy the benefits of centralization?

  9. Yeah….
    100 % firing won’t solve the problem. There are a lot of people “on the ground” that are hard working, useful to you – think met techs, water survey types, even meat inspectors.
    Whatever you think of their usefulness, they provide something of value and work in shitty conditions to do it. Contract them out, sure, they would be hired in a minute. The rest would be on welfare.
    Look at the furniture and laptop in that photo. Everything you see was sourced through “creebec”. All govt contracts have to be through supply agreements… and if you are not “indigenous” or from Quebec, you are not getting them. So in the case of the laptop, $1500 dell loaded, $5500 through an approved “indigenous owned” supplier. Furniture, likely Chinese high end, sourced through a Quebec company. Same same. Depressing as hell, why go to work when your boss is a dei hire and you have no career prospects cause you are not a “marginalized group”?
    Been there, got out. Drain the swamp means wexit. No other choice at this stage.

  10. PSAC also told it’s members in downtown Ottawa to boycott local business during their lunch breaks.
