Reinventing The Wheel

The grift goes on.

Global- Telesat Lightspeed: Canada, Quebec give billions of dollars for satellite production

Speaking to reporters Friday at MDA’s facility west of Montreal, Trudeau said the Telesat Lightspeed low Earth orbit broadband satellite constellation will enable people in the most remote parts of the country, including in Indigenous communities and mines and forestry companies, to connect with cheaper, more reliable internet.

“That’s what this investment is about,” he said.

Meanwhile over at…

Home Depot
Best Buy

24 Replies to “Reinventing The Wheel”

  1. I don’t think Canada launches their own satellites, do they?

    I guess Musk will get the launch business, then.

      1. But, but, but … I read that the EVIL Russians, Russians, Russians … and Putin were using Starlink to make WAR on Ukraine!!! Isn’t it time Canada launch some killer satellites to take out Musk’s EVIL satellites?

        Musk’s EVIL satellites are being used to spread Russia, Russia, Russia’s disinformation … ohhhhhhhh mommmaaaaaaaaa

  2. It’s not just the grift. It’s also about control. The Canadian Feds want to be able to shut off the internet just as easily as they can freeze your bank account.

    Giving money to failing Quebec companies is a long standing tradition regardless of the Prime Minister’s Party.

  3. How is Bell, the parent company of Telsat, connected to the Liberal Party?
    What prominent board members or shareholders are Liberals in good standing?

    Another question, when the federal government sold Telsat to Bell, how much of a sweetheart deal was it? The Chretien government never did anything that didn’t benefit party insiders so this was undoubtedly the case here.
    Now they’re back to the trough.
    That figures.

  4. Starlink doesn’t prevent the government from “investing” your money. Went to Tuk last summer and fiber optic was being installed along the Dempster. There is maybe 5000 people along the Dempster. I am sure they made the best possible use of your tax dollars. Yep,let’s go with that.

  5. In the government’s defense, Starlink stops working at about 82 degrees north. I’m sure the many residents of Ellesmere Island deserve the same level of service as the residents of Toronto receive.

    1. Starlink will have those services in the Arctic long before Telesat gets there, they are continually flush out the network. Full cell coverage too.

  6. Telsat is going to do for Canada’s “satellite industry” what Canada’s federal #Libranos did for the Trans Mountain Pipeline.

    I expect this to be a failure, as everything which touches the desk of a federal #Librano is doomed to fail.
    The #Libranos are the “shit-midas” of the western world, everything they touch turns to caca, and then the hapless and bewildered inhabitants of eastern tier 2 Canada display their best shocked faces for all to see, as though they haven’t seen this show before. Every year is a brand new fail for them.
    On a scale only matched by the Toronto Maple Leaves being eliminated from Stanley Cup playoffs every year.

    Elon Musk’s companies now control about 60% of the planet’s satellites in near space, and the gov’t of Canada simply can’t stand that an American is successful again without a gov’t bailout. As though CBC is driving all of Canada’s investments, with fresh new ideas of how to piss away public funds.

    Perhaps if the #Libranos were by some fudguery re-elected, they could fund a Canadian version of Facebook, Instagram, X, YouTube, then make it all mandatory, and gasp in surprise as Canada’s federal deficit quadruples by the year 2030.

  7. I don’t use the term as often as is warranted, but Canada’s #Librano government is retarded.

    60% and the Canadians are going to take some of that, because “we’re Canadians”.
    Imbeciles all.
    Canadians eat caca and enjoy it.
    “Mmmmmmm, it’s caca” …

    Hey how are those military ships the Irvines in welfare ridden New Brunswick coming along? Think they’ll be ready for the next war starting in 2045? Sure there’ll probs be a war between now and 2045 but we can just sit this one out, they can guide those Canadian ships with their satellite tech then…

    1. Trump will win.
      The traitors were exposed in 2020.
      Enough people are awake now.
      I think there will be military intervention this time. Manning polls if need be.
      They know who cheated and how they did it.

  8. Blockstream has their own satellite network broadcasting the triple entry Bitcoin ledger around the world, 24/7, audited every 10 minutes.
    Just sayin’.

  9. i believe it was uncle milty (friedman) who said, “If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there’d be a shortage of sand.”

  10. Nobody cares about Internet service to the North, no satellites will ever fly because of this announcement.

    This is how MPs go from middle class lawyer to multi-millionaire in seven years. They steal the money and take it home with them. But they do it “legally” by washing it through deals like this, and the windmills, roads that go nowhere, aid to the homeless, weapons for Ukraine, and etc.

    But you -better- not try to claim that fuel you burn driving to work as an expense on your income tax. That’s right, criminals!
