5 Replies to “Saturday On Turtle Island”

  1. The Palestinian Youth Movement are merely Moderate Muslims who just appear to be doing Hamas’ agitprop street work.
    Nothing to see here folks – its just the Jews they want dead.
    They love Christians and Hindus and Apostates, oh my…

  2. Re: Liberal appetite for cruelty. Liberals see themselves as compassionate killers, not the other kind.

    Liberal victims are viewed by Liberals as having less power and agency than a Liberal, so in their view it is much more kind to simply kill them or let them die and alleviate their powerless suffering.

  3. So, mentally ill being put to death? What counts as mentally ill? How about, being jewish, belonging to the wrong religion, being jewish, voting for Trump, being jewish, “disinformation” (free speech), being jewish, not agreeing that an obvious man is a woman, being jewish, not allowing the rape or mutilation or murder of children, being jewish, and, oh yes, did I forget being jewish? This has all happened before, in the old (and now here) Soviet states, accusing you of being “mentally ill” was enough to have you thrown un the gulag, where your treatment was basically to torture you to get you to change your mind, from a sane mind to an insane one.
