September 14, 2024: Reader Tips

To help start your weekend on the right note, tonight we present Italian Cooking Lessons: 1, 2, & 3

Your news tips are welcome. So are any recipes you wish to reveal.

34 Replies to “September 14, 2024: Reader Tips”

      1. “And inflation in Russia is still sky high.”

        And they STILL won’t be leaving Ukraine unless they choose to. Go curl up in the corner and cry, Allan.

        1. … and then he claims not to be cheering for genocide.

          1 Freddie, that is where the IQ scale starts.

      2. Exactly, they keep raising the interest rates but always not enough to matter. It is like flushing a clogged toilet a little bit at a time…

    1. A good piece on a very shameful week for Canada. The correct response to the censorship demands from a pack of foreigners would be to air the film on in a prime-time Friday evening slot on all the major networks, so that everyone in Canada has the chance to see it for free.

      And the correct response to the same demands from the Ukrainian Canadian Congress would be to make the redacted sections of the Deschenes’ Commission’s report public, incidentally naming all of the Ukrainian Nazis and Quislings who were allowed to stay in Canada after WWII. Not coincidentally, that would also confirm what has been long suspected about the UCC’s founding membership and first leaders.

      1. Yes, they were Ukrainian. No Ukrainian who fought under Nazi command (there being no actual Ukrainian Nazis) was allowed to stay in Canada; they were allowed in. It’s not like the Alberta Ukrainians had volunteered and gone overseas to fight for Hitler. The Ukrainian Quislings, collaborators with the Soviets, were almost all killed by the Nazis when they invaded; the ones that developed later did not come to Canada.
        The Ukrainians we allowed in had fought honourably for their country. They had never fought us; they had fought a former ally who was now a declared enemy, and any harm they had done was now directly benefitting us. All of this was obvious at the time. The only way a Ukrainian could get to Canada was by getting out the Ukraine, and the only was to do that was with the Banderists, who battled with the KGB to keep the border open.

        Ah, but they had taken up arms against Comrade Stalin, so they must be persecuted to destruction, right, commie?

    1. I have never heard a word about this.

      Scumbag a-holes at the CBC et al. would say it’s before our sacred courts so they can’t comment…

  1. Did you know? Industry Appeals Judicial Effort To Shut Down Offshore Oil

    “This ruling could result in the rapid shut-down of all oil & gas production in the Gulf of Mexico.”.

    “The Biden judge’s clearly arbitrary, capricious and malicious ruling can be interpreted no other way than as a treasonous effort to destroy US energy security. It would rapidly remove 1.8 million barrels per day of crude oil production (from) our energy supply. The disruptive ramifications would be global.”

    And there is another evil twist.

    1. “Must watch TV, if you didn’t see Jesse Waters last night, the first 12mins are actually shocking how terrible Kamala is at speaking during interviews. Kamala did a sit down interview with a local ABC reporter, since the debate. Brutal !”

      It really was….she must be getting pointers from Justin Trudeau on how to *not* answer even the simplest question. No wonder her team wants another ‘debate’.

      1. Media training teaches people that if you don’t like the question, answer a question you wanted them to ask, or just talk about something you’re comfortable with.

  2. X is having an interesting Spaces today at 4:30 ET. Weinstein, Beck, Taibbi, Peterson, RFK, Jr., Gabbard and freakin’ Roseanne Barr.

  3. Kate, just wanted to let you know your Sept 9 “Mischief is Important” re: Matt Walsh’ “Am I Racist?” troll on Robin DiAngelo made Ace of Spades today.

  4. Epoch Times has a story about Ottawa considering the relocation of border-jumpers. With all its sloughs and ducks, I bet Saskatchewan will be the destination of choice for the Haitians.

    “According to a federal government briefing document obtained by The National Post, a total of 235,825 people are currently seeking asylum in Canada, with most making their claims in Ontario and Quebec. A redistribution of asylum seekers would result in many of them being sent to other, less populous provinces.

    The distribution ratio would result in Alberta receiving around 28,000 asylum seekers, British Columbia receiving over 32,500, and New Brunswick receiving 4,952. Other provinces would receive fewer claimants, with Manitoba receiving 1,378, Saskatchewan getting 7,075, Nova Scotia getting 6,131, Prince Edward Island getting 943, and Newfoundland and Labrador getting 3,066.”
