Warmonger Trudeau

Related: Why doesn’t he send his son to “fight for freedom”?!?

109 Replies to “Warmonger Trudeau”

  1. If you want the answer, go listen to Mike Benz on X . He’s a former state dept official under Trump. You will be amazed. It is almost certainly the US foreign policy Deep State, which means probably the Council on Foreign Relations, and State Department coordinating this at the top.

    But definitely get acquainted with Mike Benz on X to get a fuller picture.

    I imagine you will find Facebook, and all elements of Google have been told to heavily boost Trudeau for the general, and completely blackout Poilevre. The deep state rewards its minions, and punishes “ threats to democracy “ such as Poilevre and all opposition voices

    1. Unfortunately. I do not think Poilievre is a threat to the ruling global clique. Yes, he will “axe the tax” but he will introduce a “polluters pay” scheme; same thing. Vote PPC if you really want change, a party outside the political bubble. Canada’s version of the UK’s Reform or Germany’s AfD or the RN in France.

      Liberty Calls! Answer that call before we can no longer resist the chains of technocratic servitude.

        1. In W 2 American support was what swayed the tide… very thankful for that. Now the tide is different and a minor player thinks he’s actually important? My Effen PM thought, thinks he’s a world player??!! Just a bit part and he’s too stupid, or arrogant to realize.

          1. I voted PPC in the last two elections. This time I’m voting conservative so as to hopefully ensure they form a majority government. Anything less will be as disastrous as another Trudeau minority government.

        1. It puzzles me as to why anyone would waste a vote on PPC. This so-called party is nothing more than the vanity project of Bernier. In the same way, the national Green Party of Canada was and is the vanity project of Elizabeth May. Voting for either is simply futile and, as you state correctly, will do nothing more than benefit the Spawn of Castro.

          1. Dear cgh… you might not have noticed but in a multi party system as we have, a small minority of governance seats can hold the balance of power… ie NDP, now Bloc. Equally realized are Green or even Rhino. Such is a minority majority (within tidings) democracy. For years I had to listen to people who kept repeating that Harper didn’t have the majority vote… that went quiet when The Turd was elected within the same parameters and structure.

        2. “PPC has no chance. You would just re-elect Comrade Trudeau.”

          That’s just a fearmongering talking point straight from the CPC. I reject it completely.

          There is no such thing as a wasted vote. Even a protest vote like my vote for the PPC serves a useful purpose: every vote that goes to the PPC is a vote that *should* have gone to the CPC…and could have, if they were willing to adopt some actual conservative principles. The CPC knows this…they just don’t think the numbers of lost votes are high enough to be a viable threat to them (although Erin O’Toole might argue that point after the PPC siphoned off enough votes to cost him some seats last election). The CPC needs to read the PPC policies to figure out what they are doing wrong, and correct it.

          Start with something simple like coming out against ‘supply management’, like a *real* conservative does.

        3. Yes, they would. They love having inconsequential Jacobin temper tantrums and never learn. There aren’t many of them though so we will just get rid of PM Baked Potato without them.

        4. Exactly what makes Canada a dumb country; “PPC has no chance”.
          Keep voting for lib then fake conservatives then lib then more fake conservatives garbage again

          1. “Cool eh Art, now just fall in line and vote as you always have and see what changes.”

            Exactly, VOWG…

            They need him to do that.

            They COUNT ON him to do that. It’s their whole game plan.

  2. Ryan finally figuring out none of the world leaders are working independently. Maybe he and others will look back and realize the leaders are all either pons of someone or obstacles to their plan. This includes mainstream news outlets.

  3. Who is pulling the puppet strings? I can just about guarantee that whoever it is, has never been elected.

    1. Klaus and the WEF, that’s who.
      Russia is their biggest obstacle, the largest non-conforming country aside from China, in order to have Europe as their fiefdom.
      Trump is their next biggest obstacle, and while they’ve thrown the kitchen sink, wooden stakes and lead at him, he just won’t go away.
      The seething from the puppets around the world is palpable. I look forward to the eventual failure of Klaus, TruDOPE, Kamalala, Ingrid, Macaroni, Herr Sturmer, Schulz and the whole decrepit, corrupt cabal.

  4. They are all responding to the meeting on Friday afternoon between the Biden representative ( I doubt he attended personally) and the Ambassador from the UK. It’s a UK manufactured missile with a US targeting system. Biden (or his rep) shot down the request from the UK to put them to use in the Ukraine (actually 150 miles into Russia which is their range).

    I still think it gets the green light before November…Biden gets removed….Harris steps in and everyone follows the script to de-escalate the created situation to give Harris foreign policy legs. The timing is just too too pat.

      1. I thought Storm Shadow had a range of 550 km (340 mi).

        Hasn’t Storm Shadow already been used to attack Russian targets inside Russia?

        1. Inside occupied Ukraine (including Crimea) and against russian for(es massing against possibly Kharkov. The Kharkov pushback was AFAIK the one exception where western weapons (not sure if SS specifically) were allowed to target into russian territory. But then Ukrainians rode into Kursk region on western supplied gear and russia huffed and puffed and did nothing (again).

  5. 50 odd days left to light this candle. Trump won’t let them light it so it has to be done now.

    Counter-strikes in western countries will hopefully be limited to the command & control centres of this weaponry or the manufacturing facilities.

    Tit-for-tat missile strikes between Russia and the NATO countries. Let’s hope that satisfies the bloodlust of our elites because the alternative is nukes.

    1. Agreed … but your hope is pure folly. The War machine won’t be satisfied with a few new missiles to build. No … the lust is far more voracious. As is the strategery. These numbskulls want to regime change Russia … they want to claim their #1 prize … a horrible, “uncivilized”, homophobic, transphobe, Putin. They’ll strike his personal residence … killing friends and family. They’ll strike multiple civilian targets to demoralize Russians in an effort to crater his popularity.

    2. You think they are just going to tit for tat there? One might expect that they’d might let loose some of the proxies that have been smuggled into the west; and those proxies will be less circumspect than the ones that bombed the Litton Plant during the cold war.

  6. Justin Trudeau is just confirming that he is a 1″ deep thinker, not understanding that attacking targets in russia with long range missiles is an escalation, and will probably result in the deaths of more civilians.

  7. Freeland.

    It wasn’t so much that she gave him permission; it was more like a threat: “Now Joostaihn, if you want me to spank you again tomorrow …”

  8. Why doesn’t he send his son?

    Its a terrible genetic thing. All turdos are born with yellow fever. All they can do is blow a bugle. From the rear.

  9. If you ever disbelieved that Trudeau could actually be a puppet controlled by people not interested in Canada, beyond its uses to themselves,, here is the proof of that. Here he pops up as an obedient ventriloquist’s dummy.


    Why is he so suddenly gumg-ho for nuclear war? Time to check donations to the Trudeau Foundation?

  10. The warmongers are the ones that believe the Kremlin propaganda, which is no different than Iraq has undeclared WMD and mobile weapons factories

    1. “The warmongers are the ones that believe the Kremlin propaganda,”

      No, the warmongers are the ones who REFUSE TO TALK PEACE in Ukraine and do everything they can to keep the conflict going and get more people killed. That’s YOU, loser….you and all your Useful Idiot friends.

      1. Cease Fire Now! Oh, sorry, that’s only for wars where Israel is defending itself from Islamic nut jobs.

        Escalate now! We want to cripple another nominally Christian country full of white people. Ya, that’s the ticket.

        1. “Well if we were honest about it, we would realize that propaganda comes from both sides.”

          Yes, if we were honest. A few people here seem incapable of that, though…

      1. Theres plenty useful idjits around here. Let’s see the narratives that they bought at one point or another

        – 8 year genocide
        – biolabs!
        – Boris Johnson cancelled the peace plan
        – NATO promised not to expand east
        – Ukraine is full of nazis
        – Zelensky is a drug addict
        – Zelensky bought a yacht
        – Zelenskys wife bought an expensive car
        – Russian language is banned
        – Lindsay Graham “Russians are dying….. money well spent” edited video (watch the original)

        On and on.

        1. Well, Allan…
          I was taken by surprise by your third bullet point, because I’ve always believed (and stated as much on this forum) that Johnson did scuttle the peace deal. Nevertheless, I was compelled to research the point, because I have enough respect for your opinions (most of the time) to put myself through this exercise because I do want to know the truth.

          So I spent the last two hours digging up sources, and the notes I compiled would have made my reply too extensive to post here.

          Rather than post the results of my research, because it really is too long to post (I’ve tried), you’ll just have to take my word that I have confidence that the consensus is that Boris Johnson did in fact play a critical role in sabotaging a potential peace deal between Russia and Ukraine.

          As for your other bullet points, they are not consequential, but if you considered Point #3 to be Russian propaganda, which in my view is clearly not the case, I would say that I remain very skeptical about your other bullet points.

          1. “I was taken by surprise by your third bullet point, because I’ve always believed … that Johnson did scuttle the peace deal. ”

            Evidence of russian atrocities in Bucha, mass executions of civilians, rape and torture is what scuttled the peace deal. The reason the resident Pootinista contingent keep regurgitating about Johnson is because they don’t like to be reminded about russian bestial nature that was on full display in Bucha and other territories that Ukrainians liberated in those early days (and ever since).

          2. The “Boris Johnson scuttled the deal” is in fact fake news. It originates when Russians took a quote from an Arrakhamia – the head of the Ukrainian delegation – interview out of context. The quote comes after Johnson was told there was no deal, they were too far apart and the Ukrainians didn’t trust the Russians. Johnson himself had also said that this narrative is false.

            Later, Russia also tweeted parts of an interview with Naftali Bennett – the mediator and Israeli PM at the time – that was mistranslated. Elon Musk retweeted their tweet, and Bennett replied to him saying that the translation was incorrect. Bennett has later reiterated that there was no deal.

            Recently Russian propagandists have been amplifying a 3rd video. Arestovych – who was a preside trial adviser at the time – is quoted as saying “the deal was done and we popped the champagne” but zero context is given. It’s literally just that sentence. Arestovych has repeatedly said on his official Telegram that no deal was made.

            So do you believe Johnson, Bennett, and Arestovych or do you believe Putin and Russian propagandists which have a long history of this kind of stuff? See the Lindsay Graham propaganda.

            The first 3 had direct experience with the talks, and Bennett is impartial.

            Lastly, when Putin held a press conference about some supposed signed deal in his hands after meeting the African delegation, why didn’t he publish it?

            Also, I believe the NYTimes has copies of the drafts in an article. I have a feeling you are dealing with a lot of sources that are giving their opinion on the subject.

      2. Are you serious? Read Freddie as best example of a low IQ drone mindlessly regurgitating Kremlin propaganda. Comes out mangled, because well Freddie, but the origins are unmistakable. There are many others.

    2. The propaganda, actual bovine excrement, continues to flow from your heroes, Justain and Bidinh, Kamalahoho and Herr Sturmer.
      Thanks Allah, you’ve opened your mouth, again, and removed all doubt, again!
      The more credible side, given the cherry picked storyline from the NATO stuffed shirts, and Russia’s version of history, is Russia’s, given a critical eye at both versions. NATO and its puppets like our dear Blackie, continue the Lies by Omission, version of “history”. He’s an untrustworthy asshole, and they tend to associate with each other.

  11. The US is reliant on Russia and China for many critical items:
    1) USA imports heavy crude from Russia. USA has lots of light sweet crude from which gasoline is distilled , but not heavy crude which is needed for diesel,
    2) Roughly 30% of USA electric grid generation comes from nuclear power. Russia is the main source of the uranium used in those reactors.
    3) Titanium is needed for many products such as aircraft .. Boeing, Airbus,

    Putin has ordered a list be prepared of critical materials supplied to Enemies of Russia. Take a guess where this could lead.

    1. Brian, we have loads of heavy crude.

      In fact Canada, being the second largest country in the world, has all the resources that re needed. That they are not developed is the rsult of our colonial masters wanting them stayed,

      Time for Canada to revolt the gloablist technocracy.

        1. No, the heavier crude is refined in the US because their refineries are equipped to refine the lower value heavier crude. They were originally used for refining Venezuelan oil. There are not many refineries in the world that can handle the heaviest crudes.

          This displaces the higher value light sweet WTI which they then export.

  12. All the people that are in support of escalation, question for them. Where does it end for you ? NATO is now at war with Russia. Should the west send first strike nuclear weapons into Russian targets ?

    1. The reality of it is that this is a European problem….and Germany is hiding through it all. Why should we care if Russia wants to take back some of its territory?

      1. Exactly the point, Art.
        Answer? Corruption, due to American financial interests by their political aristocracy.
        Starts with Pelosi, Mittens, Biden and goes deep. Hence the broad “hatred” by the American political class, as their corrupt financial “investments” are seriously threatened by Russia’s advance into Ukraine.
        Nothing more than that, yet these same morally fluid people will destroy the world to rule over the ashes.

  13. This further aggression will precipitate WWIII. I do not believe most Canadians support NATO facilitated strikes inside Russia. Once again, Trudeau shows himself together a complete fool — and obviously someone responding to control by a hidden entity. This is a new low — even for Trudeau, A very stupid man.

  14. (Rod Serling voice)
    Imagine if you will, a planet where Justin Trudeau is considered a ‘world leader’.

  15. No politicians talking about a ceasefire there?

    Seems odd when ‘Canada is a nation of peace keepers’ and stuff….

    1. “No politicians talking about a ceasefire there?

      Seems odd when ‘Canada is a nation of peace keepers’ and stuff….”

      I know, right? So strange….

      Actually the ‘peacekeeping’ idea died with the Cold War, when the US and the USSR regularly used their proxies to wage low-level war against each other. Those proxies would cease fighting on command, unlike terrorists.

    2. Actually, Ukraine has openly signalled they are open to peace talks. The majority in Ukraine are themselves against continuing the war and say that Ukraine should engage in peace negotiations with Russia.

        1. “Unfortunately their conditions are totally unacceptable to Russia. Hard to play a losing hand!”

          Yeah, demanding that the Russians *withdraw completely* from Ukraine before any meeting is arranged is hardly a condition that someone serious about negotiating would insist on.

      1. Too bad the Ukrainians are not running the show. NATO and the neocons head up this one. I am not sure what the end game is.

  16. So just how many Canadians er NATO er Volunteers er “Ukrainians” were killed in the Poltova missile strike? Must be pretty serious to get Justhin so vewy vewy mad. I wonder what his Dad would have to say about attacking Russia. I mean Justin’s Dad let the Russians set up missiles in his kingdom called Cuba. Justin’s step dad was also a huge fan of Russia so…..

  17. The good news is that the people running the ‘Biden’ Administration were talked out of letting the Ukrainians use US and British long range missiles to strike strategic targets in Russia.
    The bad news is that this argument is not over, and the warmongers are still trying to have their way.
    The really nerve wracking thing is that even if Trump wins, those warmongers will still be a threat until mid-January. They might throw a (thermonuclear) tantrum on the way out the door.

      1. “The majority in Ukraine are open to peace talks with Russia.”

        The Ukrainian people, yes. The Ukrainian government, not so much.

  18. PM Fagboy’s hair looks especially askew.
    What a fckn disgrace.
    If he said, “Well yeth, we welcome the alien invaderth who will bring uth comfort and joy.” I wouldn’t be at all surprised.
    All warmongers should be hanged, drawn and quartered.

    1. …and shot! Don’t forget shot. Just to be sure.

      Let’s see if this gets past moderation…

      (Well, I’ll be!)

  19. King of All of the UK and the commonwealth, Charlie, had his son sent to Afghanistan, and I do think he served as well as any other Brit. over there. The only difference being the UK didn’t advertise where he was serving, for obvious reasons.

    The Turd’s Spawn should be the first to be sent to Ukraine, it’ll be the best way of showing how fully he believes in the cause, and everyone will plainly see how super qualified The Turd’s Spawn is over all the other pretenders to his throne.

    1. What son? Hadrian is Sophie’s bastard by a father whose identity remains unknown.

      The last straw for Sophie was when she caught her son in the act with the man he knows very well isn’t actually his father.

      Hadrian’s not Justin’s son. Hadrian is Justin’s wife. And Justin isn’t about to send his boo to Ukraine to be put down by a Russian soldier fighting to keep Russia free of faggotry.

    2. The Trudeau’s don’t fight wars, they fight elections and win. That way they can inflict the most damage on their enemy, English Canada.

  20. The Turdhole sure doesnt speak for Canadians, thats for sure.

    T-Hole is another WEF puppet… most likely a compromised asset of some foreign agency or organization simply regurgitating a script … who controls the WEF ? Blackrock ? Vanguard? State street ?

    Who knows…?

    Here in Psy-op land …

    The Globalist have decided to speed up their extermination plans for humanity… the pharma angle is too slow…
    start WW#3 before Americans can elect Pres. Trump for a third time.

    Chaos awaits…

    having every major western country ruled over by a small group of narcissistic Satan worshipping psychopaths was a bad idea.

  21. The pussy from Ottawa.

    I blame all of you.

    Canada had to elect a dildo to find out how screwed they could be.

  22. The one thing PM Baked Potato does right and this is what Maxipads want to crucify him for. What a shitshow.

    1. The right thing would be for Justin to resign, turn himself in to the RCMP and confess to being an agent of the Chinese Communist Party, and supply the names of his co-conspirators.

      Meanwhile, Chrystia Chomiak needs to surrender to agents of her own government—at the Russian embassy on Charlotte Street—and agree to be extradited to Russia to stand trial for giving aid and comfort to enemies of Russia, just like her evil grandfather.

      Due to Russia’s moratorium on capital punishment, Putin won’t actually have Chrystia put to death. She’ll merely spend the rest of her days in a Russian prison wishing he had.

  23. I don’t agree with Trudeau on much but all Canadians should be supporting Ukraine . I find it very disturbing to see on a conservative blog the garbage some how justifying the invasion by a petty dictator of another country. Canada and the rest of the free world need to do what ever is necessary to end this invasion.

    1. The ‘free world’ is a figment of your imagination. Russia jettisoned communism in the 1980’s while the west is embracing it in an historical lemming stampede.

    2. We should not be supporting the Ukraine to the point of risking WW3, and that is what many are seeing. It is time to de-escalate. If we do not, I fear a major War, and China will not be sitting on the side lines. I believe even Ukrainians want this ended.

    3. You don’t know that difference between a cuck and a con. When that’s cleared up we can go on to what do when shithole 1 invades shithole 2.

    4. Really, where is your aghast that the petty tyrant of the Ukraine refused to honor the votes of the people who voted to remain part of Russia. I don’t support either country, it’s not our fight.

      1. “Really, where is your aghast that the petty tyrant of the Ukraine refused to honor the votes of the people who voted to remain part of Russia.”

        No, no….the Simpletons ™ say that’s not true. And you are a Putin lover (sorry, “POOTIN lover”…forgot to channel my inner child there) for even thinking that.

    5. “Canada and the rest of the free world”… ?

      Holy shit… you must be joking, right ?

      You must be on your 9th schmovid death shot.

      There is no such thing as, “the free world “…

      Shocking that anyone would believe that Juthtin the Turdhole is a leader of the “free world”.
      He is a drunken drug addled War criminal and a petty cowardly authoritarian shit stain of the hopelessly corrupt Western world.

      Turdhole is the epitome of evil… if Satan’s excrement could walk and talk it would look and sound exactly like , Juthtin the Turdhole.

    6. “I don’t agree with Trudeau on much but all Canadians should be supporting Ukraine . ”

      Supporting them how, Harvey? What exactly can we do for Ukraine right now except get more Ukrainians killed?

      ” I find it very disturbing to see on a conservative blog the garbage some how justifying the invasion by a petty dictator of another country.”

      I find it disturbing that you are blithely tossing out comments like that without even knowing how this conflict started, OR who is keeping it going (and why).

    7. The Ukraine had freedom from Russia on generous and workable terms, and pissed it away because it was so much more fun firing artillery shells at the ethnic neighbours. The invasion is long since over. What’s going on now is pointless killing which benefits only our enemies. The necessary thing is to stop.

  24. Im not sure how total war is going to bring about peace.. Oh, silly me.. Nobody wants peace..
    So get on with it :(..

    Just don’t cry when Russia kicks us in a balls right back.. Its not like our vital infrastructure is all within our borders.. Its not and it will be hit.. So, lets get on with it..

  25. He sounds and looks like his Mom just before they used the big butterfly nets on her in the backyard.

  26. I’m sure the 1st Khalistan-Canadian Regiment as well as the 2nd Pakistani-Canadian Armoured Regiment are willing to send their rag-headed, curry-smelling, non-bacon-cheeseburger-eating sons to fight Russia.
