16 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: End Of Coal”

    1. “adverse climatic conditions” could be viewed as weather. But no matter, the coal sector in India “has shown remarkable resilience” to western influence.

      1. Fossil fuels are a bridge fuel you dummy.

        The world is transforming to renewables.
        The data is irrefutable but you are willingly blind to it.

        Why are you so stupid Kate?

        1. Hey Einstein, how many wind and solar farms are in India?? Your “bridge” will be used for the next 200 years.

        2. Jenn the Germans went back to coal! ( Clean Coal) The only way you may interrupt coal as being bad —is believing In false Anthropogenic Climate Change! But I wonder if you are a real person!!!

  1. And if you thought India was good at mining coal … hold on to your chop sticks.


    China is adding 1.28 billion tonnes per year of new coal mining and 30% of the projects to achieve this are already under construction. And in case you thought it was private enterprise mucking with Beijing …

    “Expanding coal production capacity is currently a national policy priority and a political task. State-owned enterprises, which dominate the sector, are often mandated to fulfil this objective,” said GEM project manager Dorothy Mei.

    1. Because … the “third world” (China is hardly third world) are entitled to THEIR Industrial Revolution … to catch up to the “white” West. It’s only … fairrrrrrrr … drone on the Party of Equity

  2. “… a significant increase…, a commendable growth rate…, despite adverse climatic conditions that challenged mining operations.”

    Combining facts with lies is a signature propaganda technique.
    It confuses human logic circuits thereby making it easier for people to believe the lies.

    1. It’s not their fault.
      They have been promised billions by
      Guilty white nations
      To convert to the green agenda.

      With inflation…guess it’s gonna take trillions.

  3. You’d think a country as hot as India would be especially loath to contributing to Global Warming (pbuh), and yet, these stubborn people cling to the insane idea that eating is more important…

  4. I’m proud of the fact Canada sends 30 million tons of coal to China every year. They undoubtedly do this without the knowledge of either the Federal or provincial government of B.C., who are both green as grass.
    Don’t anyone mention Roberts Bank out loud, just in case.
    Meanwhile in B.C., you get a rebate if you install a heat pump, but get nothing if you replace a worn out gas furnace.

    1. Believe most of the coal that goes through Robert’s Bank would be metallurgical coal (for making steel), not thermal coal (for power generation).
