You Shoulda Picked Your Own Cotton, New York

Somewhere up there, Kathy Shaidle is smiling.

“Today, the New York City Council voted to pass legislation establishing municipal efforts to acknowledge and address the legacy and impact of slavery and racial injustices in New York City,” the New York City council announced in a press release. “The package of legislation would establish a Truth, Healing and Reconciliation process on slavery within New York City (which had one of the highest rates of slave ownership in the country in the 1700s), a reparations study, informational signs at the City’s first slave market, and a taskforce to consider the creation of a ‘freedom trail’ commemorating abolitionist movement and Underground Railroad sites.”

The press release detailed how the commission would “establish facts about slavery in New York City and its ongoing legacies, protect and acknowledge affected persons and communities, and recommend changes for government and institutions to prevent the perpetuation and recurrence of injustices from the legacy of slavery.”[…]

“I’ll move before I’ll pay,” Minority Leader Joseph Borelli told the New York Post. Borelli was one of the 8 councilmembers to vote against the legislation.

“If they can introduce me to one New Yorker who owned a slave I’d be happy to consider it,” he added. “But until then, I am not paying a dime as a reparation for a harm I did not cause, nor condone, nor once participated in.”

Start packing.

35 Replies to “You Shoulda Picked Your Own Cotton, New York”

    1. Or the Italians. Lots of whites were abused and victimized. Hell’s Kitchen wasn’t so named because it was a Garden of Eden paradise. People from everywhere got put through the meat grinder. Btw how MANY WHITE NYC soldier boys died fighting for the Union that ultimately ENDED Black Slavery? Isn’t THAT Sacrifice ENOUGH? Also, wth is an “ongoing legacy of slavery”???

      1. It is the same as the “ongoing legacy of the residential schools”. Just another opportunity to be a grifter instead of a producer.

      2. Slavery is still a thing, Martin. There are millions of slaves remaining on the Democrat plantation. Then there is tax slavery.

        Still a lot of slavery going on.

        1. NCAA Football and Basketball earn the colleges $ hundreds of billions … yet the athletes are paid Room, Board, and a remedial education that mostly provides the courses these kids should have passed in High School. There is no institution closer to actual slavery than top NCAA sports.

          Student-athletes my ass
          Amateur-athletes my ass

          Colleges are simply STEALING from these kids talents and work. And the NFL gets a FREE farm system of players.

        2. Nothing about what you said is wrong. Also nothing about what you said is singling out anyone based on race or ethnicity. There’s victims of all origins. The very idea of mandating reparations for people who were not the victims from people who were not the perpetrators is absolutely Clown World Insane.

  1. City council?.. You elect a bunch of race obsessed leftists.. Then wonder why they double down on it?.. Unmeasurable $$$ opinion based $$$ bafflegab $$$..

    You know.. Crazy street people think they are correct because everybody runs away from them.. > That..

  2. “If they can introduce me to one New Yorker who owned a slave I’d be happy to consider it,”

    Careful now, Saudi Arabia wields a lot of influence in New York.
    And there are the sex trade and pizza slaves as well.

    1. Good catch:
      No info on the number of slave owners, but The 2023 Global Slavery Index estimates 740,000 individual slaves in Saudi Arabia (Population 34,814,000).

      How many of those slave owners also own an apartment in NYC?
      … 100,000 Arab speakers across the city, based on more recent unofficial figures.

  3. I can’t wait for the descendants of Irish slaves to claim compensation, be rejected, and then sue on the grounds of racial discrimination.

  4. Free tickets back to Africa for the Africans in America. Reparations that would allow them to finally relax and stop stressing themselves out over perceived discrimination.

    1. That’s why Liberia exists. Everyone who wanted to go back to Africa, but to still live under the same Constitution, went there.

    2. Back to Africa? You mean where there never was slavery and everything is fair and equal? Catch the first flight to Wakanda. Do you want to know the truth? Black America is a lot wealthier than Canada.

      1. Matching reparations from Africa since they were the essential cog in the slave trade.
        Oh, white people get reparations from North Africa (Barbary Pirates)

    3. Many years ago I watched a TV series featuring a black Harvard (IIRC) professor who traveled around Africa doing interviews.

      One item I recall is a story about black ‘civil rights advocates’ who flew from the U.S. to Liberia. Once there, apparently, they tossed their American passports into the bush – seems that a couple nights later they were out with flashlights looking for said documents.

  5. I have a stocky build, a distinct brow ridge, and a unibrow.
    As a descendant of highly persecuted Neanderthals, I should be first in line for reparations.
    Everyone else can go to the back of the bus.

    (And all you haters can just skip the comments about my IQ!)

    1. me too.
      having a neandethal face like a mule lve been discriminated my entire life, many times many different ways.
      where’s my cash?

  6. Whenever you see the words “Truth” and “Reconciliation”, it’s time to head for the exits. Fraud from top to bottom.

  7. I remember watching one of those “History Detective” type shows a decade ago. The black host was doing a deep dive into his family tree to find his oppressed past… As he dug back, he found how his ancestors were of wealthy African decent. And not only did they emigrate to America willfully on their own dime, they promptly set up a farm and bought several slaves to work it.
    Think he’s going to turn down that reparations check?

  8. True.. The Irish were treated like they were worthless.. The slaves, being possession’s had value.. The sports cars of the day.. I was a Porsche and now I’m Irish..

    I think that’s what they mean by racism.. They want to be free and a possession.. The debt that can never be paid..

  9. I have a question. If and when reparations are granted, is it done? Once the reparations have been paid, can we tell the next generation that white people paid their dues and are absolved of their ancestors sins?
    Any other crime, you sit in the prison for the length of sentence, or you pay your fines, and you move on. Constitutionally, there’s no double jeopardy allowed. (This is tongue in cheek, I’m well aware of progressive’s regard toward the Constitution)
    This should be the nail in the coffin of the idea. Make it clear, that once reparations are paid, the victim status related to slavery is over… for all time.

  10. Did you notice that the same code words (“Truth” “Reconciliation”) are used both in the US (for slave reparations), and in Canada (Indigenous genocide; colonialization)?

    This immediately suggested to me that the entire “Truth and Reconciliation” debate going on in Canada right now is nothing but a Marxist fraud. I resent that I will be paying for the so-called “sins” of my ancestors.

    Pretty soon, communities will start charging “rent” to property owners for the land we are occupying. That’s what this whole thing is about. They want to eliminate the White race from any governance and influence in public policy. This will, of course, ultimately lead to anti-White fascism.

    Don’t tell me this isn’t what’s happening. I’m experiencing the results of DIE policies first-hand!!!
