7 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. “The Daily Caller, The Daily Signal, PJ Media, among others are not slanted in conservative bias. They simply provide clean, clear and factual news of interest to libertarians and conservatives who are not getting all the facts.”
    I don’t know about the first two, but PJ Media is so biased it’s laughable. They don’t even pretend to be unbiased.
    We are fed bullshit from both sides and have to wade through it to discern if there’s any truth in there, often there isn’t.
    The motto of modern political operatives:”our liars will outdo your liars”, then we’ll win.

    1. “If you don’t read the news you are uninformed. If you do read the news you are misinformed.”

    2. That’s quite unfair to PJ Media, they are indeed proudly and openly conservative but they’re not dishonest and I’ve found them highly reliable. I figure they can push their preferences as hard as they want, if they stand on solid ground as they push.

  2. Censorship is the ruling class giving up on pretending they are the good guys.. We simply cant spin this any other way than STFU.. It changes nothing of value..
    Movie of the week.. They want full control over all our problems and full control over all the solutions.. No questions asked at any point.. All facts belong to them.. Democracy reached a point where dictatorship was just more efficient, cost effective..

    They cant afford free citizens anymore.. So its you that has to go.. Deep state..

  3. Idiots still post the BS “Thank you Obama for eight years of scandal free government!”

    I guess Benghazi, Fast & Furious along with many, many, many more incidents aren’t defined as scandals?
