Again… Ryan Wesley Routh Alleged Shooter

(updates continue, scroll down)

Remind yourself this is unconfirmed, I’m just posting as I see reasonably credible sources.


Shots were just fired at Trump international golf course in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Trump was there golfing.

An AK-47 was discovered in the bushes and the suspect fled over a nearby wall, per a source in Florida law enforcement. […]

Per my source, the suspect has been arrested in Martin County.

White male.

NY Post reports the shots were from the Secret Service, who spotted a suspected armed person and opened fire.

Update: Officials believe the shots fired at Trump International Golf Club were intended for former President Donald Trump, according to sources familiar on the matter (CNN)

NY Post is sticking with their version.

CNN live update site here.

Benny Johnson captured the press conference, but has about 15 minutes of intro.use the scroll bar to skip through and find the actual coverage.


Unconfirmed: Suspect name may be Ryan Routh. Social media posts are already collecting on X.

He has a website.

Jordan Schachtel;

Aspiring Trump assasin was the head of the International Volunteer Center in Ukraine. Major activist with foreign ties, per Semafor.

“I have had partners meeting with [Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense] every week…,” said Ryan Routh.

Even weirder.

This is 58-year-old Ryan Wesley Routh. A background check on Routh turned up about 50 pages of criminal activity. (Yes, 50). Most of the charges state ‘charges filed, unspecified’ and cover a time span from 1984 to 2019.


58 Replies to “Again… Ryan Wesley Routh Alleged Shooter”

  1. How long before Kamala has some fake “shots” fired near her, so she can claim that The Other Side is just as evil and prone to violence?
    Along the same lines as “If it wasn’t for fake hate…”

    1. If you need a volunteer to fire a few shots at Kamala, I know a few people who’d be interested.

  2. As I predicted …

    Note: I blame the Democrats internal polling that shows they are losing BIGLY. Too BIG to cheat. Just ignore all those bogus polls indicating Kackella is winning …

    1. The steal will be too big to pretend this time. We’re talking truckloads of fake votes here. They’ll have to declare war on Russia -and- China, and have a monkey-pox epidemic as well.

      Stock up on coffee now for the November lockdowns, the 5th is three weeks away…

      1. “We’re talking truckloads of fake votes here.”

        Whatever happened to the trucker who said he hauled a tractor trailer of filled out ballots from New Jersey to Philadelphia in 2020. Arkancide? Obviously the ballots were counted.

        1. “Whatever happened to the trucker who said he hauled a tractor trailer of filled out ballots from New Jersey to Philadelphia in 2020. Arkancide? ”

          I’m hoping that incident (and several others) will finally be investigated properly when Trump takes office again. Still looking forward to Ruby Freeman testifying under oath about her part in the fraud.

    2. Sorry, Kenji. This is still not in the bag. If the demon-rats think they have a plan that will steal the election, they will have the vote, and use it to install KKKK. If they feel it’s a hopeless cause, they will cancel the election using as justification…
      1: another plandemic…
      2: some kind of a national emergency (like an assassination) necessitating the need to declare martial law, or…
      3: WWIII

      Not to say any of this will happen, but the point I am making is that DJT still has a very steep hill to climb, and the odds are not in his favor, not while the administrative state, in conjunction with a decrepitly corrupt media is still in control.

      1. If Peter Strozk had an “insurance policy” for 2016 … and outright election fraud in 2020 … it appears as though the new “insurance policy” is death. Assassination. The FBI, CIA, and DOJ must be completely rebuilt … from the inside out. These “institutions” must be eviscerated.

  3. Thank God commies can’t shoot straight.

    And taking note, once again, that the US Secret Service can’t even secure a freaking golf course. Are you kidding me?

    1. I fear that the last, desperate throw by the deep state will be to provoke an all-out war between Russia and NATO. They are hoping Americans will rally round the flag, and not look too closely at the polls. I know this sounds crazy, but it’s the only way I can make sense out of the perverse escalation of the proxy war in Ukraine.

  4. At this point, I wouldn’t trust the Secret Service to protect a hot dog stand, let alone a former president’s golf outing. He needs to get new protection – stat! It doesn’t need to be complicated – just recruit a whole bunch of former Navy Seals or something

    1. Marine Security Guards might be the best choice at the moment, They already have 2 regiments based out of Florida.

    2. From the moment I learned of the first assassination attempt, I stated quite emphatically that Trump should hire his own security detail.

  5. Article says the only person shooting was the Secret Service agent, who may have fired at an innocent golfer who was carrying his club by the head for a moment. Sure,a golf club shaft looks like a rifle barrel from a distance, so better to shoot first and ask questions later.

    Do they have Affirmative Action hiring in the secret service too? I wouldn’t trust the USSS to guard a hotdog stand.

  6. How clever of the CIA assassination team … make it appear as a “road rage” incident … or “drug dispute”. “Trump wasn’t the target”. Oh … and there was an AK-47 involved … ohhhhhhhhhhh mommmaaaaaaa … NOW do you evil Republicans want to control assault weapons! … like AR-15’s? (sic)

    1. “and there was an AK-47 involved … ohhhhhhhhhhh mommmaaaaaaa … NOW do you evil Republicans want to control assault weapons! … like AR-15’s? (sic)”

      What exactly is an AK-47 (yeah, sure it was) supposed to do at that range?

      A serious assassination attempt requires a serious weapon…a scoped and sighted-in medium caliber hunting rifle at the very least.

      1. Choice of weapons for both attempts were strange.

        Fits with these both being lone nutjobs, using the only thing they had access to.

        If these two were puppets in some huge conspiracy, why not supply them with a decent deer rifle?

        1. “Choice of weapons for both attempts were strange.

          Fits with these both being lone nutjobs, using the only thing they had access to.

          If these two were puppets in some huge conspiracy, why not supply them with a decent deer rifle?”

          Exactly, Bunny. Reminds me of that nutjob with a lever-action rifle attacking Parliament, and the Liberals and NDP proclaiming that “See, this just proves that our Canadian ‘gun control’ works…he didn’t have an assault rifle, did he?”

          Yes, but only because he wasn’t part of a group who would have provided one, and wasn’t stable enough to have a job and bank account so he could buy one himself on the black market.

          1. Lever action are called CAR. Cowboy AR. You might not be able to to fire as fast as an AR, but experts can fire off a full magazine in seconds.
            Why this potential assassin would use an AK-47 is beyond me. It is far from being a sniper rifle. It is capable of firing off a great many inaccurate rounds at a time. In this case it was scoped so it may have been better than your typical insurgent weapon.

        2. Speaking of odd weapons for the job … am I the only one who finds the now iconic picture of two gear bags hanging from an open chain link fence with an AK-47 leaning up against it … odd? Is this how a stealthy assassin hides from the Secret Service? How he prepares to take Trump by surprise? Hangs his gear in plain sight and offers a nice view of his gun? Sorry … I’m no assassin … or military genius .. but this tableau makes NO sense whatsoever.

          And this … from a “professional” Ukraine mercenary? Sheesh … no wonder Ukraine has got their ass kicked by Putin’s incompetent conscripts …

          No … BOTH these assassination attempts appear to be from the same FBI/CIA/SS mold … an incompetent amateur psycho given an open door to … well … demonstrate their incompetence. If Trump gets killed? Bonus! Otherwise … this is an INSANE psyop to demoralize Trump … and everyone within a bullets distance from him.

          1. ” hanging from an open chain link fence with an AK-47 leaning up against it”

            The TV picture I saw wasn’t good at all, but I swear it looked more like a Mini-14 to me.

      2. Assuming it is an actual AK47, given the grainy photo, 300-500 yards is definitely within its combat range.
        But that’s for putting rounds downrange, not sniping. It is a notoriously inaccurate weapon long range.
        But that is not the issue which is how did any shooter period have enough intel to get that close that day?
        Was the apparently flippant answer he is only the ex-president meant to reveal a lack of threat assessment?

        Lester Holt’s stupid but revealing remarks arguing he deserves assassination attempts, shows those who hate him most harbour secret hopes for a successful shoot, openly inviting the unhinged to do their worst.

  7. The Demonrats , theCIA and the FBI have 50 days to murder President Trump before he wins a third time.
    WW3 here we come.

  8. If Trump wins will the election have been fair?

    If he loses it was rigged?

    Just trying to follow along here.

    1. Regardless of whether or not Trump wins, they ARE trying to rig the election.
      The question is will they succeed in stealing it?
      Let me put it this way…
      If Trump wins, the election was rigged.
      If Trump loses, the election was rigged.

  9. CNN: Innocent nature stoller flees Trump golf course after shots fired in his direction. AK 47 recovered at the Trump golf course.

  10. Caught the perp (male) in a car in Martin County – that is county just north of Palm Beach County.
    I lived in Palm Beach county. There is a very tall hedge that blocks the view of from public streets that surrounds the golf course. The name of the road on the club’s north side is “Gun Club Road.” If shots fired it may have been on the 5th hole they say. That is on Summit Road.

    Good news on evidence – sounds like the FBI will do the investigation of the perp and the vehicle as they are calling this an assassination. That was quick to call it that. That’s a joke about the FBI

  11. DJT had up to 4 years with access to some very interesting reports about a lot of folks. I wonder if there is a ‘poison pill’ file lingering in the background?

    1. Yes there is, it’s in the pile of documents the FBI was searching for when they raided Mar-a-lago and went through Mrs. Trump’s underwear looking for it. Trump’s close people alluded to this during the fallout immediately after the event.
      Trump can’t really act upon this trove until he’s in power again, I expect fireworks.
      If he’s murdered, I don’t know who has access to it, nor if there’s a dead man’s switch, but it’s not at Mar-a-lago.

    1. Don’t you like the MSNBC host just nodding along while broadcasting a man calling for the elimination of another? Same people who accuse Trump of encouraging an insurrection.

  12. Is it just me or is weird that the secret service didn’t have agents stationed on both sides of that hedge? You’d think that a tall, dense hedge that close to Trump would be identified as a potential hiding spot. My understanding is that the secret service considers it their failure if someone is able to get that close to their protectee without being spotted or, like Pennsylvania, has time to take a shot. That’s strike 2 for the USSS. Perhaps Trump needs to double his coverage and hire a second protection crew who will do patrols outside of the secret service zones.

      1. I’d like to believe that the secret service isn’t intentionally making Trump an easy target but not only is Trump the first president/candidate in decades to have been hit but now there’s been a second attempt. Looks like either incompetence or something worse. Probably shouldn’t continue to put his life in their hands after two failures to protect him properly.

        The failure to adequately protect a former president and candidate who already survived one attempt makes the US government look weak and sloppy.

  13. Well, you know what? At least this time, the would-be assassin isn’t dead. (not yet anyway) Maybe while he is still alive, we may get some low-down info on who or what is calling the shots.

  14. Soooooooo, he’s a Ukraine NUTTER. Unhinged. Deranged.
    Just like Colonoscopy, SS Surfer, Allah the truck driver.
    Makes Sense, birds of a feather.
