Houthis Fire Missile Into Israel


Yemen’s Houthis claimed responsibility for the attack that reached central Israel for the first time on Sunday, saying the group employed a “new hypersonic ballistic missile” in a “specific military operation” targeting the Tel Aviv area, in a statement from the group’s military spokesperson.

The Iranian proxy falsely added that Israel had failed to intercept the missile. While the IDF’s Arrow system failed to bring the missile down before entering Israeli airspace, it did ultimately intercept it.

“It crossed a distance of 2,040 km in 11 and a half minutes and caused a state of fear and panic among the Zionists, as more than two million Zionists headed to shelters for the first time in the history of the Israeli enemy,” the military spokesperson added.

Related: The IDF has released footage of the UNWRA headquarters. In a shock to no one, the headquarters is filled with weapons.

56 Replies to “Houthis Fire Missile Into Israel”

  1. Well, there you go. Game-changer. Wait till Russia gets so pissed off at us that they give Iran the bomb …

    Interesting times.

    1. It’s long past time to deal with Iran in the only way they seem to understand. This BS will only continue if you don’t.

      Since they don’t seem to have learned anything from the last time Israel hit them, it’s time to start taking out their remaining oil refineries and terminals. Start with one or two, and see if they get the message this time.

      1. Followed by a warning, then the total destruction of Mecca, Medina and the accursed mosque on the Temple Mount if attacks don’t cease.

        1. Wait, you want to threaten Iran with nuking Saudis? Are you completely detached from reality?

      2. Warmonger!

        Whatever, you want to deal with Houtis, you need to deal with Turbans from Tehran first. You want to deal with Turbans, you need to take care off russia. Also, you destroy Tehran Turbans and you got another Armenian genocide. All that so Chicoms can freely trade with EU.

    1. OK, put it this way “Hypersonic missiles were fired from an area in Yemen currently under Houthi control” – how’s that?

      1. Better – my perception (based on personal interactions) of Muslims is that they are “not too bright”. Again, based on my personal interactions, but I have found them to be very vindictive so there is that!

      1. According to NATO, so long as it is fired from Yemen you cannot blame the supplier or facilitator even if they are intimately involved with the execution of the strike.
        See how it works?

    2. 2040km in 11.5 minutes works out to 6600 miles per hour, which I think would be a top hypersonic missile.

      If true, I doubt that even Iran has that capability, only China and Russia.

      1. Indeed… that works out to around Mach 8+. More likely they simply used a ballistic missile on a depressed trajectory; quite capable of hypersonic speeds, but not a true hypersonic weapon.

        1. ^This. Technically all ballistic missiles are hypersonic, if we’re talking about speed. ICBMs, IRBMs, SRBMs (which is what this one sounds like). What people call “hypersonic missiles” nowaday is a fast missile traveling in the atmosphere that can manoever to defeat interception.

        2. Yes, “hypersonic” is the term du jour that russophiles like to spank their monkeys to. V2 of WWII vintage were hypersonic.

          Impressive would be a working hypersonic missile that does not need to slow down for target correction in the terminal phase. Even more impressive would be working hypersonic cruise missile.

      2. Which makes Israel’s interception and destruction of that missile truly REMARKABLE! D’ya remember when the Leftist Democrats mocked Reagan’s “Star Wars” Defense … yeah … Israel didn’t.

    1. Just wait till the red line that Putin cares about the most is crossed; then it’s Armageddon and it was nice knowing you.

      1. Ugh oh, the red line Pootin cares about unlike all the red lines he didn’t care about. Nu, pogodi!

    2. Exactly. The US Navy found a way to lose a naval war to Yemen. Let that sink in. No pun intended.

      Russian subs, however, will cut North America off from the world the moment the real war starts. And then you will see how fast the US loses interest in “the world’s problems” …

      1. No … I believe our Navy has been wildly successful in the Red Sea. We didn’t crash a single one of our ships into one-another. And we flew several sailors home for “sex reassignment surgery”.

    3. The military might of the Western World -won’t- secure the Red Sea, because the current war is handy for somebody, somewhere.

      Seriously, even the Dutch Navy could handle this if they wanted to. So obviously they don’t want to.

      Makes you wonder if somebody is shorting derivatives on shipping, and if the deal fails the US dollar fails with it. Some sort of arcane back-room crooked money nightmare.

      On the bright side, as bad as Western military is, the Chicoms are an utter clown show. We already know what the Russians can do.

    4. They can. They can map every inch and target any cockroach they find. But they like it better this way, letting Iran put a knife on Israel’s throat, etc. This is not a military problem, it is a political problem.

    5. How positively neocon for you. And why pray tell would US devote their assets to secure shipping lines between Chicoms and Europe. US-Europe lines and US-Chicom lines are secure.

  2. I think “terms of engagement” plays a role in fighting the goat herders, Saudi Arabia has all the money they’d ever need, any equipment they’d wish to buy, yet they’ve been fighting Yemen for too long as well.

    Water scarcity in Yemen is real, the west wouldn’t have to hit too many targets there to set them back into the actual stone age. If it’s war they want, they should have it.

    A few folks on X/Tweeted last night they’re now fighting wars on 7 fronts, and it was 2 days since tier 2 Canada announced an arms embargo against Israel to match “Great” Britain’s.


    When the Jews are “down” never miss an opportunity to kick them, is that the left/#Librano way?

      1. If only the terrorist belligerents could figure out a means to evade Israel’s defence systems. Not likely to happen, “aim” (as The Phantom points out in commentary above) isn’t the terrorist’s thing.

        Israel will be saving a good amount of water after the gaza incident is finished. I can’t see a future for those folks in gaza in which Israel supplies either water, electricity or natural gas. No worries, they can desalinate from the sea with some other country’s electricity, and figure out a means of importing natural gas/propane or whatever with all the genius level engineers in gaza.

        Think of it as an experiment in going “all green all the time”. Perhaps returning all of gaza’s captives alive and well would change Israel’s thinking on this? Oh they’re not “alive and well”?

        Then that’s going to suck.

        The negotiations should start with, “return all the hostages alive and well”
        Then and only then, move on to whatever is point #2
        Gaza’s made their bed, now they’re going to be sleeping in it until the second coming.

        “Never again” … remember that one?

    1. MARC,

      Seems to me It’s been like that with the Left side be it Britain or Canada.
      A visceral Hatred of Israel for Decades.
      Fred Hahn – Syd Ryan – Gil McGowan, Numerous MLA’s & MP’s.
      & Trudeau for certain regardless of the verbal diarrhea he spews daily.

      For many its an apparent “Fashion” Statement of sorts

    2. I think you mean “rules of engagement”. And yes, they are expression of government policy on the battlefield. It’s all connected to Iran and we all know how the Democrats feel about Iran.

  3. Get on with it.. Looks like its WW3 to stop Trump this time.. IMO, way better than another phony pandemic..

    1. Exactly. They’ll use WWIII to justify the suspension of the election. To “save democracy” of course.

      1. Yes … because fine military strategerists like the punchable Jake Sullivan need to remain in charge

  4. Dominant world powers such as the Houthis… wtf…

    The US Navy could have and should have eliminated them from the face of the earth. Thanks Obama.

    1. Yes! So let’s go hide in a cave. You’ve accurately described the Biden Admin’s military strategy, Obi-Wan

  5. Canada is my priority, couldn’t care less what the Middle Easterners are up to.
    It’s stupid to expend life-energy on foreigners and foreign problems when we have problems to fix right here.

  6. Has anyone else confirmed that it travelled that fast? or are we just supposed to take Iran’s word for it.
