No business case

Irish company planning to produce jet fuel in Goldboro, N.S., at former LNG site

Note: Goldboro was one the leading candidates for a Canadian East Coast liquefied natural gas export facility, the type German Chancellor Olaf Scholz basically begged Canada for. However, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said there was “no business case,” for Canadian LNG in this context.

But apparently cutting trees to make “sustainable aviation fuel” is quite alright.


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12 Replies to “No business case”

  1. Making jet fuel from trees prices the middle class out of air travel. Their supports need to be approached as survivors of emotional abuse.

  2. When he says “no business case” he means there is no way to get kickbacks to the liberal party and his proxies.

  3. The wood feedstock is likely the cheapest part of the process at somewhere around $0.25 to $0.40 per litre. It is a combination of (negative return on energy) hydrogen production through wind generated hydrolysis and gasification of the wood to produce the required hydrocarbons. I wouldn’t bet that this project is viable without taxpayer loot and lots of it.

    1. Aye. As in all bio-fuel programs, the real fuel is trainload after trainload of hundred-dollar bills extorted from taxpayers and future generations.

  4. Another boondoggle! Can see it coming from a thousand miles away now as they don’t even try to hide it anymore.
    Pour millions or more into something that could never stand on its own, give the impression that they are “saving us” from lack of investment and then sweep the remnants of the “new “ investment into the nearest dump when it predictably, fails. Coincidentally, there’s no reporters or media there to cover the latter part. Classic liberal investment strategy.

  5. I’m old enough to remember cutting trees was the greatest sin against nature and the reason for the environmentalist movement. Surely Hans Grueber… I mean Steven Guilbeault remembers his days as a tree hugger? “Renewables” now includes resources that take 20 years to renew?

  6. was on the survey crew for the gas pipeline. What I remember is scrub trees and sphagnum moss. Not hard to see a subsidy refinery in the making.
