23 Replies to “Origin Story”

  1. When did our wildly successful MELTING POT of “many becoming one” … E pluribus unum … morph into “diversity is our strength”. No it isn’t. Unity is our strength. Always has been … always will be. We are UNITED under a single banner … a single flag.

    1. I’m tired of hearing “Diversity is our strength.” Every time I hear it, I counter with “A house divided cannot stand.”
      But then, I’m getting used to all the lies from the left. Doesn’t mean I hate them any less.

      1. “I’m tired of hearing “Diversity is our strength.” Every time I hear it, I counter with “A house divided cannot stand.”

        Same here. I counter with “No, diversity is chaos…unity is strength”.

        (except in bloodlines and financial portfolios, where diversity can be a good thing…;)

    2. I forgot to add … THAT cobbled-together rainbow/brown “symbol” flag ain’t the flag we’re assembled under.

  2. …has there been systemic, historic discrimination against perverts and degenerates in municipal waste disposal?

  3. Groomers gotta groom. I guess Saanich has a lot of money to waste. Comitted to celebrating the rich diversity of people in our community by having a giant flag that excludes 99% of them.

  4. It IS a religion, the Rainbow KKKult. Just look at the list of 10 rules that defines a KKKult.

  5. Boy have they been led astray.
    God mad the rainbow many years ago as a sign of his promise to never flood the earth again.
    all these guys did was steal it and put their own meaning on it.

  6. Shrug. It’s everywhere in BC. From the pedestrian crosswalks in Invermere to the Welcome to Canal Flats sign on the Kootenay Highway.

  7. That flag is so discriminatory!

    It doesn’t have a colour stripe or symbol for all the people with body integrity disorder. The h8ters! 🙂
