Red Man Speak With Forked Tongue

I disagree.

This is extraordinary. The indigenous cultural competency course at @LawSocietyofBC contains debunked references to the discovery of “the bodies of 215 children.” Two lawyers have proposed to correct the false information. But[BC First Nations Justice Council] claims that correcting the record is tantamount to “denialism.” The BCFNJC also repeats the long-debunked three-year-old fable that “mass graves” are being discovered across Canada. A complete lie.

It’s not extraordinary.

18 Replies to “Red Man Speak With Forked Tongue”

  1. Professional governance is the extension of the authoritarian state as they get to exercise state granted power over their members with threat of loss of livelihood. Charter rights of free speech (for what they’re worth) don’t even apply. They are all now the useful idiots of the grievance industry as well as the other pathologies of post modern nihilism. They are all now captured institutions. Some call it guild socialism but I like happy-faced fascism.

    1. “The LIE has been far too succe$$ful to end.”

      Sad, but true…

      Likewise for Ukraine. Almost everything comes down to money in the end.

    2. Absolutely correct, Kenji.

      If my memory serves me, there were good articles on this site about on how the “dead kids” were mostly an underground water system.

      Kamloops is a bit of a dessert and I bet that local people of faith and staff were buried there too, and there were many diseases for which no one had remedies in early days which both staff, students and community members.

      Wood crosses on graves rapidly deteriorate, which were/are used in western Canada.

  2. Perhaps after the next election we will have a government with some spine. One that does not entertain and encourage an endless descent into wokeness , where truth is not truth and lies and deceit are capitulated to. The claims of mass graves and hundreds of bodies was never true. The indigenous community knowing that has refused to take even the most minimal steps to prove it was and the respect for these supposed indigenous leaders falls even further. As much as they would like to change history it can’t be done. These leaders need to move forward and stop dragging their people back into the past. Many of their own people have already chosen the future and with it participation and prosperity. They do a huge disservice to their population as more and more non-indigenous become disgusted with the endless demands and in some cases corruption. Reconciliation does not mean capitulation to every demand no matter how ridiculous it may be. The pity party is nearing an end. Step up and join the rest of society. You would be welcomed as full partners but not as subservient whiners attempting to extract as much as you can from others. Demands of historical privilege has pretty much run out of steam.

    1. “Reconciliation” to the grievance industry and their useful idiots means Indians are the master race and non-indigenous taxpayers are their “white” slaves who own no land.

    2. “Perhaps after the next election we will have a government with some spine. One that does not entertain and encourage an endless descent into wokeness , where truth is not truth and lies and deceit are capitulated to. ”

      I wish I could believe that, I really do… 🙁

  3. These are the people that didn’t smell burning bodies or see the boxcars and got rich pilfering their “missing” neighbor’s place.

  4. Someone should finance those 2 lawyers to file 215 writs of habeas corpus against the law society and the band.

  5. Just like the last 3 enquires about why native women are so abused (turns out it’s the reserve system being outside of the laws of Canada and native men), the final results will be that it doesn’t matter that no bodies were found because society is so racist that we all secretly expected mass graves.

    I have to be careful about topics like this at work, being in a woke city surrounded by cit-iots that have never lived near a reserve or bussed to school with folks from a reserve. They don’t want to believe that other people actual do think differently from themselves, and that any system that allows fraud and cheating will result in a lot of fraud and cheating, and train their youths to be predatory.

  6. What did you think was going to happen when they setup their own legal system?.. I could go on but I think you get the idea..

  7. Where are all the MILLONS of dollars that the Canadian taxpayers provided for doing ‘investigations’ into these so-called graves? We paid for the natives to start digging them up, so let’s either get some shovels in the ground or take that money back. ALL of it.

    (where is our hero Pierre Poilievre?)

    1. If there were all these murders, why aren’t the RCMP digging for victims. It’s not up to the Indians to solve crimes. That’s what we pay the lazy useless feeble minded Mounties to do. Also they don’t need permission from the reserve to dig for reported bodies.

  8. “This has never been a search for missing or murdered children; rather it’s always been a never-ending treasure hunt supported by a mainstream media and compliant federal government unwilling to carefully probe any of the alleged findings.”

    -Hymie Rubenstein Editor of REAL Indigenous Report and a retired professor of anthropology, University of Manitoba.
