13 Replies to “Sunday On Turtle Island”

  1. All three candidates for the Commonwealth leadership position are Africans.

    That’s about as far as I needed to read. Is it there ever an issue in the world which involves Africa that doesn’t lead to them holding out their hands saying, “Gimme gimmie!”?

      1. ” “holding out their hands saying, “Gimme gimmie!”?”

        Hold on, wasn’t that ABBA?”

        I was thinking Canadian natives (the ones who call themselves ‘First Nations’ ).

  2. “The King is the ceremonial head of the Commonwealth, whose members include west African and Caribbean countries affected by the slave trade. About 10 million people were enslaved by Britain and European nations between the 15th and 19th centuries and sent to work on plantations across the Atlantic in the Caribbean and the Americas.”

    Once again, Africans not taking responsibility for their part in the slave trade, because their ancestors got rich selling fellow Africans to Europeans (and to the Arabs). They also aren’t willing to give any credit to Britain for ending the slave trade, because it’s easier to blame them for the collapse of the economies of Africa when their primary market was taken away.

  3. Re: reparations.

    Purchasing power parity would be a much more fair method of determining reparations.

    Easily comparable would be what the average west African can purchase and compare that to what the average African in America can purchase.

    The difference would be what the average African in America owes to Americans.

    A straight US dollar comparison would practically be unfair to the Africans in America even though they were lucky enough to have their ancestors sold by their neighbors because the difference is vast.

  4. “Vice-President Harris, do you support reparations? As a person of color whose family was involved in the slave trade, we are curious about your position on the issue…”
