12 Replies to “Survey Says…”

  1. It’s good news, bad news for normal Canadians.

    Good news because we will finally be rid of this horrible Liberal government. It’ll take decades to undo the economic and social damage they have caused.

    The bad news is that it’s so hopeless for the Trudeau Liberals that there’s nothing holding them back from completely looting the country and the taxpayers. I think that between the Liberal’s corruption and incompetence, the Bloc’s greed and selfishness, the NDP’s desperation to remain relevant and the corporate welfare bums seeing their last chance to make out like bandits…the economic damage to this country in the next 12 months will be massive.

  2. That’s about right, LIEberals dead in the water, past their expiry date already.
    Notice that Climey Changey is far, far down the list of “most” important issues. Not far enough down the list to be true, but nowhere near Top3. Juth-Tin tho dithapointed.
    Expect a lot of dramatic nonsense and windy word salads this week from TruDOPE and his band of idiots when they return to parliament this week. It’s the only strategy they have, everything else has blown up in their faces, deservedly.
    He’s going to wrap himself in the flag, nauseating the country with it. The last vestige of a tyrant is proclaiming his patriotism!

  3. The Montreal Liberal candidate is trying to hide her association with Trudeau for the by-election on Monday. One might hope that she gets utterly crushed, but it looks like she might win.

    1. I hope not,the Winnipeg seat is a sure thing for the NDP, so if the Liberals win in Montreal, that leaves NO seat for the CPC.

  4. As the Liberal boat sinks from filling up with their own liquid excrement, what do they do – what won’t they do – to stay in power?
    I don’t think there are any Rubicons that Shiny Pony won’t cross, such is his delusion.

  5. The Liberals are going to create a coalition with the NDP, Block and Greenies to try and stop the Conservatives from taking office after the election.

    1. All they need is another supply and confidence agreement with the Bloc, who’ve already stated they’ll back the Liberals. They might ask favors in return.

      On to election in October 2025

      1. The economy is now in the second part of “slowly at first, then all at once.” October 2025 will only be worse, which the BoC has to know. I suggest there will not be another election, some “crisis” will forestall it, and the globalists will drop any pretense, and tell us how it will be.

        I guarantee ammunition sales will be stopped prior to it, NOW would be a good time to stock up.

  6. The Liberal numbers are most likely worse than are shown in this poll.
    Would WW #3 stop election and keep the WEf’s Turdhole in power ?

    I just get the sense that we wont be having an election… Turdhole is taking the WEF Liberal/NDP Party down with him… or… perhaps… the stupid psychotic bastard knows something we dont.
    If David Coletto is saying the Globalist/Liberal/NDP Party is at 22%… than they are more likely polling in the teens.

    Chaos is coming.

  7. And Nanos has the libs in the lead – just joking
    But looking at Canada338, the latest Nanos has the CPC with a 12 point lead whereas the others are ~20+. If you deleted the nanos polls, which are nearing one third of the total polls, you get a bump for the CPC and a dip for the Libs. Bad statistical practice but satisfying.
