7 Replies to “The New Dental “Plan””

  1. The most telling comment by the chief of the BCDA is that the profession has about 1500 procedure codes, the government dental plan covers about 420 of them.
    It sounds like those ripoff extended warranty policies used car dealers sell, covering an amazing 500 parts on your new used car, which is made up of about 10,000 parts.

    It sounds like the plan may be moderately useful for some people who can’t afford any dental work at all, but for most people it won’t be very useful. But if it garners a few thousand votes for the Liberals, I suppose it’s worth the cost.

  2. Being a dentist requires similar effort to being a doctor, especially for any cosmetic surgery. Many dentists chose dentistry instead of medicine precisely because they see how hard it is to make any money as a doctor in this country. They know what’s coming and they’re having none of it.

  3. As a result of the “government dental plan” everyone who is not covered by the “government dental plan” will have to pay more to their dentist to cover the difference between the price the dentist normally charges and what the government gives them.
