24 Replies to “When The FBI Does It, That Means You’re Best Not To Trust Them”

  1. Good move by DeSantis. At the very least, the media won’t be able to disappear the event like they did the last one. I understand there was an eye witness who photographed the guy’s car (with license plate tag #), and that’s how they knew who it was right away.

  2. Unbelievable that American lame stream media is spinning an hour after the news flash surfaces. The truth will come out soon enough.


    1. Exactly! And the time that he would be there! Pretty much had to be inside info. in some form. Need to start “water boarding” a few people. (Just the threat likely to open a few mounts. No pun).

    2. The decision to play golf was not planned, is in no itinerary.
      His “security team” is reporting his activities and location, has to be.
      Obama missed again….

  3. I wonder how close the shooter intended to get. 500 yd with an AK are not good odds. I am listening to FOX News and Mark Levin was on. He is some pissed off. His conclusion is that the various parts of the Executive branch are either ruderless or corrupt.

    1. Trump may have not gotten within 500yds of the assassin YET … as the assassin was one hole ahead of Trump. But the aerial view of the course indicates just how close the fairways are to the parallel roadway. Hole #5 is a 228yd Par 3 and Hole #6 is a 335yd. Par 4. Both holes run parallel to the roadway which is no more than 50yds to the fairway (the aerial view provides a proportional scale of the hole length to width to the roadway). And the golf cart path is even closer. No … if Trump had passed by this assassin’s nest … a hail of AK bullets would have done serious damage to everyone.

      1. “300 to 500 feet is the number I’ve heard which is within the range of an AK, but still how did he get that close”

        With a more suitable weapon he wouldn’t have needed to get anywhere near that close to make a kill shot.

        Something is definitely ‘off’ here.

      1. The US government is no more corrupt than the Canadian government, they are just a little better at it, as the Canadian government is mediocre at being corrupt, along with every other thing it does.

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