An Interest In Children

According to Mr Andersson, other academic colleagues have hailed his “queer autoethnography” as “wonderfully written, reflective, analytical and intriguing,” and have described it as “very publishable.” Readers will doubtless recall the dizzying rigour of Mr Andersson’s academic work, noted in the post linked above, in which we learned that his feverish wanking gave him “a more embodied understanding of the topic.”

On the standards of academia’s Clown Quarter, that fiefdom of progress, and an unrepentant pervert.

7 Replies to “An Interest In Children”

  1. A morally sane culture would immediately hang this man and everyone who aided and abetted him. No trial is required in such cases. Physically exterminate them.

    1. In the absence of Insane Asylums (which likely would be of no use in today’s perverse culture) I believe your recommendation needs serious consideration.

  2. Japanese Studies?? I think he’s turning Japanese, I think he’s turning Japanese … I really think so … dah-dah-dah-dah-daht dah …

  3. Well at least he’s an academic straightforward about his jerking off to his own research. Lots of that in academia. Also a non-negligible percentage with weird sexual tastes and perversions.

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