By-Election Watch: LaSalle-Émard-Verdun (bumped for extra ridicule)

Bumped for results.

Cosmin DzsurdzsaThings are so bad for the Liberals in Montreal that their LaSalle—Émard—Verdun byelection candidate Laura Palestini just ran away from her own election night watch party with only 5% of the polls reported.

At 1:08 Eastern, the Block and Liberals are in a dead tie at 6,715 votes apiece. LOL

Part of me wants to see the Liberals lose the seat, the other part wants Trudeau to feel empowered and hang on to the leadership for the ultimate shitkicking.

Final results, a win by the Bloc. Let the games begin.


With the Bloc polling ahead, just how desperate are Liberals to keep the seat once held by Paul Martin?

Desperately desperate.

47 Replies to “By-Election Watch: LaSalle-Émard-Verdun (bumped for extra ridicule)”

    1. 88 of them are “protest candidates” and my not even been aware they are running, because the organization is pissed that trudeau didn’t “reform” the election system to benefit progressives.

  1. LMAO…. That guy in the middle of the photo can’t be real. Craig Sauve…wearing a jeff cap in the photo….and he spelled his own name wrong….

    That’s Rico’s younger brother, Craig. Craig Suaveeeee. 😀

    1. I believe he is the NDP candidate. Yes, he is a Pali supporter. If I lived in the riding, I would be tempted to vote for the Bloc just to ensure the Libranos don’t get elected.

  2. // It seems important to ensure all candidates are fairly represented. //

    Tell that to the other 85 candidates.
    It looks like they decided to include the Greens & PPP over the Conservatives.
    They are all down below 10% percent, so it’s a trivial matter

    Latest: Bloc 29.6% Liberal 24.1% NDP 23% Conservative 7.3%

    As for the guy making the comment, the mayor of Hampstead, a Montreal suburb, a check of his Muskville
    account shows no sign of “divided loyalty” he’s an Israeli firster:

    Justin Trudeau Mar 24
    Purim is an important reminder that, through strength and resilience, the Jewish community has overcome persecution time and again.
    Now is no exception. In the face of rising antisemitism, my message to Jewish Canadians: we will always stand with you against hate.

    Mayor Jeremy Levi Mar 24
    We prefer to stand alone than stand with you. You’ve become a hindrance in our battle against antisemitism. Please step aside.

    1. “he’s an Israeli firster.”
      No surprise there, as he should be. Hamstead is a predominantly Jewish enclave. I grew up in the area just east of Hamstead, and I visited neighboring Cote St-Luc many times during my many times umpiring baseball there.

      I also refereed hockey in neighboring Ville-St-Pierre, which is part of the LaSalle-Emard-Verdun riding. Speaking of which, I’ve also refereed in both LaSalle, and the Verdun Auditorium, so I can say that I know the riding fairly well.

      When I was living in Montreal, admittedly it was more than 20 years ago now… [sigh], It was a riding with a history of voting liberal. (I hate Paul Martin!) Having said that I’m going to say something that many people will raise eyebrows at.

      I know the Cons have no chance of winning this riding, so my initial reaction was to pull for the Bloc, but then I started to think that the Bloc now wants to support the Liberals in a new pseudo-Supply-and-Confidence arrangements now that the NDP has dropped out. Ok, so what about voting NDP? Well, I don’t want the singe to take any kind of victory, and his pali-supporting candidate in the riding cinches that desire.

      So I’m going to hope for a LIE-beral win in this case. Hear me out. Voting Bloc or NDP, is a neo-LIEberal win, so why not vote for the real thing? First, it’s a riding that the lie-berals should win anyway, and second, and most importantly, it breathes new life into the turd’s leadership. Now why would I want that? Because people hate the turd, and PP will have an easier time defeating the turd in the general, instead of someone who would replace him, such as Carbon-Tax-Carney, who could breathe new life into the party itself, making the general much tougher to win.

      And as far as I know, the lib candidate, unlike the dipper, is not on record supporting Palestine.

      1. l want the TURDeau to being excreted from the body of Canaduh
        *just[inTURDeau] not yet*. l want another
        ‘kimmy kim campbell’ to decimate them
        PM. and write THAT in the history books forever.

        1. Sometimes the “p” on my keyboard sticks. [sigh] My right-pinkie doesn’t have the strength it used to. (People who grew up taking typing classes will know what I am referring to.)

          Please note that I am not engaging in GYM’s usual antics. I’ll let his comment speak for itself.

      2. As of 12:38 EDT, the Bloc has a slight lead in LaSalle-Emard-Verdun, although the race is still nearly a dead-heat, and it appears to be too close to call at this time.
        As for Elmwood—Transcona, it does appear that the Dippers will hold on to that seat, although the Cons have made it a good contest. With over 95% of the polls reporting, there’s only a difference of a little more than 1100 votes between the two candidates.

        So it looks like I’m 0 for 2. I was hoping for a liberal win in Montreal, and a Con win in Winnipeg, but alas…
        I’d be really disappointed if the dippers win in Montreal. Of the lesser of two evils, I would want the Bloc to win if the liberal candidate didn’t, because the dippers going 2 for 2 would only inflate the singe’s ego.

        However, no matter how you slice it, the Turd is in deep doo-doo. (sorry for the bad pun… it is nearly 11 pm my time)

        1. A quick refresh of my screen, and sonova— The liberal candidate is suddenly in the lead!
          Laura Palestini (lib) 6054
          Louis-Philippe Sauvé (bloc) 6024
          Craig Sauvé (NDP) 5806
          …and it appears that the liberal candidate is widening the lead!
          Still too close to call in this three-way race. I guess we’ll have to wait until morning to get the final results.
          OH, and it’s still not over in Winnipeg either, where the difference is still about 1300 votes. The cons are staying within reach as more votes are tallied. Again, I’ll have to wait until the morning to see the final outcome.

          Last update… Dippers falling behind in Montreal

          1. The current spread is 248 votes, with all polls reporting, with the Bloc in the lead. Just waiting to see if Elections Canada can “find” 250 votes for the liberal between announcing the preliminary and final results.

            I also expect to see a recount.

  3. I used to live in that riding. It was often said that the Libs could run a piece of toast as their candidate and it would win.

    But they’re also fickle there. The NDP took it from the Libs in 2011 during the Sympathy-for-Layton orange wave. So losing it wouldn’t really be unprecedented.

    1. bryceman – if the NDP win that will signal to Singh’s Plankton-sized brain that not supporting the Libs was a good move. I hope they come in a strong second or even first so that Singh can continue to distance himself from his master.

    2. Ah yes, Jack Layton. You remember him….he used to get net zero hand jobs at the rub and tug. Net zero because he rode his bicycle there.

  4. The bloc could again become official opposition…Quebec is retarded because of the French MSM who are frankly CNN/MSNBC/CBC on steroids.
    In most of the province, the CPC is not even considered.
    Another humiliating defeat for the turd and turban…unless Dominion the magician shows up for a presentation of his talents.

  5. Looking at the portraits in that CTV screen shot, could you find any more stereotypical candidates for those respective parties than those pictured? Lol!

  6. Climate change = carbon tax = money for Justin’s friends.. If you think you or they, are saving the world, you are a moron.. But, most liberals know this truth..

    1. Trust morons not consensus science. Morons are only wrong 50% of the time statistically. Scientists who have a consensus had been wrong about climate for the last 100 years, same with over population or peak oil. The list is long with distinguished grifters.

  7. How’s that climate change policy working out Zustin? With the disastrous forest management and subsequent forest fires, all the sacrifices made by Canadians on the altar of Gaia have been thoroughly erased and have boosted Canada to the leading ranks of CO2 polluters. Poilievre should mention this every time Zustin prattles on about the environment. And mention Gibeault every time. I don’t believe in this crap, but the believers should be reminded.

    1. To be fair, the last time they allowed a proscribed burn, the Women In Fire Fighting Exchange let it get out of control near BanFF

  8. I’m hoping for the Bloc, if Blanchette thinks he can get 4 more years of pensionable service for him and his crew in a general, he’ll pull the plug, and not give the globalists time to hatch their no more elections gambit, whatever it may be.

  9. I’m sorry for the parochial ignorance, but I can’t keep y’alls’ parties’ names straight.

    Which one(s) do we like, which do we hate?

  10. 91 candidates?? If they don’t represent a registered party, how about 1,000 signatures plus a $1,000 deposit and you lose your deposit if you don’t get half the votes of the winner, like the old days. If you still get a stupid number of candidates raise the deposit.

  11. In the previous 2 elections of 2021 and 2019 in Winnipeg Elmwood Transcona, the #Libranos had 5000-6000 votes, and this time have fallen to 1100 votes. Yes it’s a by-election and turnout is always going to be low, the other candidates numbers are down by half, with the #Libranos down to under 20% of their former take.
    That’s a relief …

    Still neck and neck in Quebec though. 1/3 of the polls still to report, about 4% of the polls to report yet in WPG.

    How low are the #Libranos in WPG? “CanadaProud” points out the degree of this burn…

  12. At 1:08 Eastern, the Block and Liberals are in a dead tie at 6,715 votes apiece. LOL

    Part of me wants to see the Liberals lose the seat, the other part wants Trudeau to feel empowered and hang on for the ultimate shitkicking.

  13. The Pure laine fwenchman has never trusted the federalist trudeau’s. The Bong hizself is a haggis eating quebekker with a fwench surname.

    The Pure laine use the trudeau’s when it suits them. Right now they’ve had it with Bongo and his BS.

    Fwenchy is moving to the BQ. It’s a move that keeps the manipulation of the country going.

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