Fly The Expensive Skies

If you think air fares are already high in Canada’s centrally planned airline market, just wait.

The airline has offered to increase the aviators’ pay by 4% annually over three years, plus an upfront 26% pay boost as well as other benefits, according to a source who asked not to be named to discuss confidential details of the agreement.

The 42% compensation increase over the four-year contract is expected to cost the carrier C$1.9 billion.


17 Replies to “Fly The Expensive Skies”

  1. Enriching the crony “capitalists” of the Toronto-Ottawa-Montreal corridor (and their attendant parasitic hangers-ons) – none of whom would recognize actual competition if it paddled a canoe up their as** and lit a campfire – at the collective impoverishment of the rest of the county? What could be more classically Canadian than that?

    Let Soutwest et al come in and compete

    1. “Ottawa” meaning the taxpayers – i.e., and as noted above, the collective impoverishment of our citizenry

      Given Air Canada’s connection to la belle province, think of it as a de facto federal transfer payment

      “the price of being Canadian” as our betters like to explain it

  2. I am surprised the Liberal Party didn’t suggest that they should all be fired and that they could find lots of inexpensive pilots they would pay to emigrate from Saudi Arabia and Gaza.

  3. …is expected to cost the carrier C$1.9 billion.

    Thanks for the morning chuckle cause I don’t know any business who’ll take it on the chin when costs go up.

  4. TRUE Capitalism for all intents & purposes is Totally absent in this country

    Air Travel in Canada Always has been and continues to be MONOPOLIZED.
    Owned & Operated by Laurentien elites. Yer Bay st. Ontario/Quebec consortium.
    Just like Telecom & Dairy along with every other FREAKING aspect of our lives – while being taxed to the hilt daily.

    The entire system is in desperate need of a TOTAL revamp.
    EVERYTHING: Fed Govt – Constitution – Monarchy – RCMP etc. all require to be annihilated & replaced. (with a Republic…IMO)

    Or…Alberta & Sask can say: UP yours, we’re OUT.
    F “Canada”, I prefer the Latter

  5. Or…Alberta & Sask can say: UP yours, we’re OUT.
    F “Canada”, I prefer the Latter
    I’m in Steakman. Have been for a loooooong time now.
    Here we have the BQ offering to prop up the Libcrooks now and grabbing for what’s left of the cash and how many votes did they get from the other provinces?
    All they are interested in is fleecing the ROC for more.
    One has to spend only a few days in QC to see how this country operates.

    1. To me, “Aviators” fly off carrier decks. “Aviation” are green helicopters attached to Army units. These guys are commercial pilots, no shame in it, but they fly busses and wear shitty polyester bus driver duds & plastic shoes. The Air Canada uniform is particularly ugly. The flight attendants are even worse, looks like they are wearing maternity uniforms. I won’t call them Stews. Stewards/Stewardess is a respectable and time-honored profession dedicated to prompt, polite and superior service. It goes way, way beyond being a Karen pushing a drinks cart and scowling at passengers. Some people need to be sent to Cathay Pacific on exchange for a few months to get straigtened out.

  6. This isn’t a ‘Canada’ or ‘Unions’ problem. Airlines in Europe are having to increase pay rates and benefits because middle eastern airlines are poaching pilots by offering better packages……..

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