12 Replies to “Gradually, Then Suddenly”

    1. And bring your retired parents down at the same time, when they default on their $10K/mo payment. Clearly, Freeland is a clueless, out of touch commie.

      1. She’s not clueless. It’s part of their plan, so it’s a success if it has the intended effects. Too many are still under the misapprehension that the policies are misguided or out of touch. They’re not working for the betterment of the country, they’re working on its destruction.

  1. “The Big Short” is supposed to be a cautionary tale, not a how-to manual for governments to create the debt equivalent of the Tsar Bomba.

  2. The banks will not be happy until they own everything. And let’s not forget the “buy-in” clause that kicks in the event of a run on bank assets.

  3. I think the point is that $1.5 million is now considered a starter house in Canada if that is the amount the government is willing to insure.

    When I was just a kid I bought a house. Among other rude awakenings (11.5% interest rates, municipal taxes and yes mandatory insurance for anyone with under a 25% deposit) I felt it was wrong to charge people extra money because they had less money to start with and might be more likely to default on their mortgage. It didn’t make sense then, doesn’t make sense now.

  4. The more chaos they generate, the more they feel people will be more willing to give their personal freedom for the sake of more security.

    That is the plan!

    But to cite Benjamin Franklin’s famous quote:
    “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

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