Great Success!

Blacklock’s- Fear Gangland Crime Wave

“One in five Canadians report they or someone close to them has been affected by gang-related violence,” said the report Guns And Gangs Awareness Campaign. “Seven in ten agree Canada has a gang violence problem,” it added.

Cabinet in 2023 budgeted $390 million in five-year spending on its Action Fund to support community programs. “The Government of Canada has a comprehensive plan that gets guns off our streets,” then-Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino said at the time. “Safety and security of Canadians is our government’s top priority.”

Asked, “How would you rate the performance of the Government of Canada when it comes to introducing measures to address gang-related violence?” only one percent rated it “excellent.”

10 Replies to “Great Success!”

  1. $9M spent and they’ve yet to buy back this piece of junk M-1 carbine I’ve been wanting to unload on them (because no gunowner with half a clue would buy it). What does it take?

  2. Wyatt Earp and the Cowboys would be an appropriate solution. “I kill any man wearing a red sash” in this case a gang tattoo like MS-13. And will the government act? No, because they might execute the wrong man. (In the case of a tattoo, I doubt it, but…)

  3. Pro tip for Canadians: If you are being threatened by gang violence in your area, do not call local law enf0rcement. Call one of the nearby Chinese police stations. They resent gangs operating in their territories and likely will be more than willing to help out for a small fee.

    Bonus! They don’t seem constrained by Canadian laws, so you have a high probability of a successful resolution to your problem.


  4. Wasn’t Bill Blair the Minister for Organized Crime charged with organizing the libranos crime wave? It may be the only successful initiative he has been involved with.
