Our Chinese-Installed Government In Ottawa

Show me the man, I’ll hide you the crime;

As hearings resumed Monday in Ottawa, Commissioner Marie-Josée Hogue confirmed that Canadian MPs and Senators suspected of colluding with China, according to the bombshell “NSICOP 2024” report released in June, will not be publicly named during Canada’s inquiry into foreign interference in federal elections.

Hogue agreed to review NSICOP’s report amid a wave of public outrage following its release this summer.

The report’s most critical findings suggested that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government has failed to act on repeated intelligence warnings about specific threats from states, including China and India, that would likely lead to criminal charges in other nations. These warnings included cases of Canadian politicians knowingly accepting funds from foreign diplomats in transfers consistent with money laundering. It also highlighted the “egregious” actions of a People’s Republic proxy, causing a “high-risk, high-harm threat to some Canadians.”

12 Replies to “Our Chinese-Installed Government In Ottawa”

  1. “ Citing fairness to elected officials accused of collusion, and the sensitivity of classified intelligence that could harm Canada’s interests if disclosed, Hogue’s decision not to reveal the names of alleged collaborators ahead of an upcoming federal election comes amid growing public pressure, with most Canadians wanting the names to be released.”

    Bull sh*t. All MPs involved are Lieberal. That’s the only reason for non-disclosure.

  2. “Citing fairness (hahahaha) to elected officials accused of collusion, and the sensitivity of classified intelligence that could harm Canada’s interests if disclosed (how?), Hogue’s (ex of Heenan Blaikie – i.e., Chretien’s and P.E.T.’s old law firm) decision not to reveal the names of alleged collaborators ahead of an upcoming federal election (which party would be most penalized by naming names?) comes amid growing public pressure, with most Canadians wanting the names to be released.”

    We NEED a leaker – where is our Daniel Ellsberg???

  3. Of course lowly Canadian citizens don’t have the right to know the names of their elected politicians and government appointed senators who have “wittingly” collaborated with foreign governments. I mean, collaborating with foreign governments and potentially getting payoffs only affects the national security of the country, the integrity of the democratic system, trust in the law/justice/intelligence services and other minor concerns. Now, if you donated as little as $5 to the freedom convoy then you’re public enemy number one. /s

    Canada is now indistinguishable from any other pathetic and corrupt banana republic.

  4. Cover up for compromised Liberals. Typical of turd world countries.

    This country’s political sphere is infested by criminality and gangsterism and the gangsters are in charge of the investigation into their own gangsterism.

    Elect a Turd become a turd.

  5. You can be sure that if Conservatives MPs were involved their names would be released. Another sign that we’re living in a dictatorship.

  6. Pick 12 random Liberal MPs, put their name on a list, slap top secret and confidential stamps on it, and mail it to all the media organizations with the claim that they benefited from chinese help…

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