
I’m back “home” in Vancouver for a short visit. The moment I saw this advertisement, I thought it very apropos for this Left Coast city.

Update: I had lunch at Granville Island today and started talking with two Swiss couples. When I explained that I grew up in Canada but now lived in America, they asked if I supported Trump or Kamala. I hesitated about answering but did so this way: “Well, here in Vancouver, you’re programmed to believe that Trump is Hitler but I very much support him over Kamala. She has done some really bad things in California.” Turns out they support Trump too and are not big fans of Zelensky in Ukraine.

19 Replies to “Photoblogging”

  1. Never had a latte in my life. What the eff is oat milk?

    On the other hand, forget it … I really don’t care.

    Funny you should mention the Swiss Trumpers. We ran into a German couple in Banff and had a very similar conversation. In their view, except for the Euro, the EU is a complete disaster.

    1. Instead of just taking milk from a cow that just exists, eats grass and makes a gallon of milk for every gallon of water it drinks, you scrape off 1000s of acres of prairie, spray it with chemicals to kill everything that gets in the way, till with diesel machines, spray some more, harvest with diesel, clean the grain, transport to Mill, with diesel, mill with some kinds of energy I assume gas or electric, make ‘milk’ and package and cook it and transport again with diesel. It’s big money and work saving the cows. I’m probably being over simplistic.

      1. So it’s healthy and environmentally sound, eh?

        Ive got this idea to sell urbanites rabbit-turd coffee. I just have to figure out some marketing bullshit: hand collected along the Athabasca River by the Hare first nation.

      2. A typical dairy cow produces approx. 2,000 gal. of milk per year. How many acres of oats does it take to produce 2,000 gal. of gooey, ewwy, oak “milk” each year/season.

        Here’s how your “barista” oat “milk” is made. It sounds a bit like “impossible meat” full of oils, gums and nasty ingredients to make it simulate milk … nasty.

        Dairy milk foams because of its high protein and fat content. For non-dairy milk alternatives that are used for steaming or frothing, the use of thickeners and gums is common, in addition to vegetable oils, to make up for a naturally lower protein and fat content. These thickeners and gums are added to help the air bubbles adhere to each other – creating a dense foam that is more similar to dairy versions.

        Barista versions will also often contain a ‘pH buffer’ (most commonly dipotassium phosphate) to prevent oat milk from curdling and separating when added to coffee. Interestingly, this addition isn’t necessary with dairy milk, as it naturally contains phosphates which already act as buffers to sudden drops in pH

        1. I’m pretty sure you get more oat juice per acre than if you fed the oats to dairy cows for real milk.

          They just soak oats in water, grind to a paste, squeeze through cheesecloth. Add texturizers, Cloudy oat water.

          Almond juice on the other hand can’t be very good for the environment.

        1. I guess when the buffalo (yeah I know they were actually bison so shut up already) roamed the Americas by the millions the planet was in dire straights with runaway global warming. It’s a good thing that whitey came along and nearly wiped them out.

    2. “Funny you should mention the Swiss Trumpers. We ran into a German couple in Banff and had a very similar conversation. In their view, except for the Euro, the EU is a complete disaster.”

      A good description of the well-known ‘shy Trump supporter’. If the polls show him tied with Kamala Harris, he’s actually leading. If they show him leading by a little, he’s leading by a lot.

      If only we had a politician in Canada with his courage and resolve.

      1. You’re forgetting about the “administrative state” factor.

        When factored in, the ratio works this way…
        When Trump is leading by a little, Kamala will be declared the winner.
        When Trump is leading by a lot, the winner won’t be declared until two weeks from election day to give the administrative state enough time to print off the needed fake ballots.

        1. Precisely. And WHY can’t the wealthiest nation … most technologically advanced nation in the world … get the ballots counted in a single night … uninterrupted?

          More water main leaks … that just happen to burst on election night?

      1. Oh, give Jenn a pass, Buddy. She’s just cranky because she has to get up at 4:00 every morning to milk the oats. And we all know how hard it is to milk an oat.

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