Ryan Routh Criminal Complaint Docs

Motion to seal, too late. Read them here.


The would-be Trump assassin #2 told the court he has no assets and lives off $3,000 a month while supporting a son as a roofer, yet he’s finding $$ to travel back and forth to Oahu AND to Ukraine as a mercenary while amassing a small arsenal of weapons plus GoPro equipment. Hmm.

Poso: How many journalists was Ryan Routh in touch with?

And check this out: Probation for a repeat criminal with a machine gun…

16 Replies to “Ryan Routh Criminal Complaint Docs”

  1. Wouldn’t be surprised if the guy gets Epstein-ed in the near future. He seems mentally unstable but, as noted, he oddly has access to cash to purchase items that would not be in line with a $36,000 annual income. I think Hawaii is an expensive state to live in so how does a low income person have that much extra money after paying his bills?

  2. Donald Trump needs to get some way outside the box Bad-ass Operators for security Guards.
    The kind the Deep State uses, only ones with morals and patriotism.

    1. WMD just means fully automatic in this case. A glock with a switch or an illegal AK.

      Should have gotten jail time of course. Our joke of a justice system waits until you kill someone. until then, just probation

  3. They only charged him with weapon offences, because in 2002 he was convicted of possession of a weapon of mass destruction.

    Haven’t charged him with attempted murder yet

  4. How many times has he been charged with driving without a license!??? Dozens???
    1. Why did he have his license revoked? #1 reason? DUI.
    2. Were the cops sitting outside his driveway? How did he get RANDOMLY pulled over while driving on a suspended license? Was he running RED lights? Was he driving erratically?

    But I’m not all that interested in this loon. But I’m really interested in his whack job son … who said this is out of his father’s “character” … and … “doesn’t everyone HATE Trump”. This “family” is full of psychos

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