To Wokely Go Where No Woke Has Gone Before


The Department of National Defence spent over $30,000 in taxpayer funds on an “intersectional feminist” and “decolonialist” review of the Liberal government’s space exploration program. The review advocates banning words such as “exploration,” “mankind,” and “frontiers” due to the supposed harm such verbiage causes.

According to access-to-information documents obtained from the Canadian Taxpayer Federation, the DND spent $32,250 on the report by Project Ploughshares, a University of Waterloo-based research institute.

29 Replies to “To Wokely Go Where No Woke Has Gone Before”

  1. Wasting tax dollars every day of its existence – this is the Liberal/NDP legacy. That is why they are called, justifiably, “TAX AND SPEND” liberals. Anyone that forgot this and voted in favor of their continued existence is to blame for the current state of affairs, and the degradation of Canada.

    1. “Wasting” implies nothing of value is obtained from the expending of capital. The Liberal government goes much farther in that their profligate spending is directed to actively damage the Dominion.

  2. I would have gone through their manual and changed everything to woke language for $12,000.

    One the one hand, I don’t speak ‘woke’ so I would likely bollix up the whole thing. On the other hand, if I got the contract, they would have only wasted $12,000 instead of wasting $32,250.

    If taxpayers aren’t going to get anything of value for their money, they should at least go with the low bid.

  3. Glorified passengers.. = Lame.. You sat in a chair and put a seatbelt on.. Be honest.. The bar couldn’t be lower and because of that we have plenty of room put WOKE politics into that chair and blast that crap into orbit..

  4. Someone has played a massive joke on Western society and we fell for it and now it’s entrenched. Mission accomplished (or is that banned too?)

  5. “Exploration”?

    How is that word offensive? If they want to ban something…please, someone, ban nose rings. I keep having an urge to yank on those I see….and their history originates from the nose rings they put on bulls for control. It’s a sensitive part of the animal and can be used to keep them under control, and compliant. I’m a little concerned that women think that is a good idea for themselves. The selective stupidity is astounding. At least be consistently retarded (threw in that previously banned word for kicks and giggles).

  6. The report also wants to discontinue the use of the word “man,” and proceeds to list examples: “mankind” “unmanned”, etc.

    What about “woman?”

    1. I’m still trying to get my head around “She Hulk.” For argument’s sake, let’s say that She Hulk identifies her pronouns of they/them. So, now what? Being retarded victims is confusing and exhausting IMO.

  7. Is this why the “National Anthem STARTS OUT:

    “O(h), Kanaduh……?

    Has any local wordsmith risked incarceration, disappearance , etc. by “updating” the lyrics to be more “reflective” of today’s “reality”?

    1. It has been update a few times. It no longer has any significance in our post national circumstances. No point in playing or singing it.

  8. Is this why the “National Anthem STARTS OUT:

    “O(h), Kanaduh……?

    Has any local wordsmith risked incarceration, disappearance , etc. by “updating” the lyrics to be more “reflective” of today’s “reality?

  9. Because space is a vacuum … when women speak in space … nobody can hear. Nobody listens to women complaining. Sounds so unfair. Right? Esp. women who are intersecting with something

  10. Project Ploughshares is a left-wing, anti-military lobby group run under the auspices of the Canadian Council of Churches. In 2023 the church group received $122,000+ from Trudeau’s government. Note that the $30,000 spent by the DND is not included in the $122,000, since the latter is a transfer and not a contract for goods and services.

    Here is the Project Ploughshares web site:

    and note its anti-Israel stance.

  11. JD, you raise a good point. There was a book published, I think in the mid-1990s, discussing a Soviet spy operating in Canada. The book was banned in Canada, but available in the U.S., so it was easy to order a copy of it from there. As I recall after reading it that Project Ploughshares was implicated as having close contact with the Soviet agent. The head of Ploughshares is one Ernie Regehr, who was also the head and founder way back then. (He must be a very old guy). At any rate the book strongly hints that Mr. Regehr directly took money from the spy, but does directly say so. Btw he and a colleague wrote an opinion column tor the left-wing Globe and Mail today:

    Paywalled. No need to liberate it, since in it the two writers oppose increased DND spending, save for contracts to Project Ploughshares.

    I remember this is since I wrote a book review of it for an obscure conservative publication.

    This post should be as a reply to JD’s comment above.

  12. Here is a review of the Soviet spy in question:

    It’s called “Comrade J: the Untold Story of a Russian Master Spy in America”.

    Some of my facts in the post directly above are wrong. The book was not exactly banned in Canada, but the publisher voluntarily withdrew the book from distribution in our country after the federal government complained. And my dates are mixed up. The book came out in 2006, but the spy operated in Ottawa in the mid 1990s for four years before moving to the U.S.

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