Embrace Hollywood!

I can’t find any sign of it playing in Canadian theatres, but it would probably be a designated hate crime to buy tickets, so there’s that. Update – it may be a Saskatoon phenomenon. Let us know if you find it in theatres near you.

25 Replies to “Embrace Hollywood!”

  1. Ohhhhhhhhh Mommaaaaaaaa … Putin likes the Racist movie! Russia, Russia, Muh Russia loves the racist movie!!! RT is a fan of the racist movie!!!

    If you take Tim Pool’s advice and see this film … you’re a Putin stooge!! Merrick Garland (centrist (sic)) AG says so!! … and he may indict YOU!! If you dare see this “far right” film

  2. I’ll trust everyone’s posts here. Last film I saw in a theatre was Skyfall. It was O.K., except for the Adele title song.
    This is good news. We are making people think.

  3. L – I’m nominating this movie for an Academy Award in the documentary film category. Matt rocks…
    Michael Moore move over or move out, so passe´

    1. Ohhhhhh … sadly the Matt Walsh Mockumentary will lose to a Spoken-Word (salad) retrospective of the Civil Rights Movement by Kamala Harris … with cameo voice-overs by; Barack Hussein Obama, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and the AI ghost of George Floyd.

  4. Just came out of the Saskatoon showing (Tuesday). Wow was that good.

    And it was packed. There was a few seats left open here and there, but not many.

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