14 Replies to “Fake Election 2024”

  1. Hanson asks, “Can we just stop with the demonizing of Trump as a Hitler/fascist/bloodbath/weasel/dictator that must be stopped – before we see third, fourth, and fifth such assassination attempts?”

    Democrats say no, and are actually doubling down on the rhetoric.

    They’ll keep trying.

    1. Pretty much avoided social media since Sunday afternoon, the comments were so revolting. I know it’s nothing new, but after two attempts on his life? ‘Can’t we all get along?’. Nope, not anymore. The ghouls make me sick to my stomach.

    2. Damned straight they WILL continue. They have no choice.

      The DEMS – RINO’s – NeoCons – WEF – EU Parliament – Blackrock & every US 3 Letter Agency will ensure it.
      In their Demented EVIL minds – Trump is in fact HITLER.

      Yet it is THEY who would have us in the middle of a Nuclear holocaust….all over a war THEY started with the overthrow of a legitimate Democratic Democracy in 2014.

      We are Witnessing Pure UNADULTERED Satanic EVIL.

  2. The leftards are like the Terminator: They can’t be bargained with. they can’t be reasoned with. they don’t feel pity, or remorse…. And they absolutely will not stop.

  3. Assassinating Donald Trump is being normalized by the left and it’s becoming apparent that it’s not that difficult. So far it’s just been losers but eventually they’re going to hire a professional.

    1. Losers can be written off, “Yeah, another ‘independent’ nutbar”, but a pro hit would have to, (whether ‘they’ want it or not…and they don’t), generate questions as to who placed the order, who paid, and did they add a ‘job well done’ tip.

  4. Took less than 15 minutes before they started with “too bad he missed” and other rhetoric.

    They also don’t seem to understand what happens if they are successful.

  5. Victor Davis Hanson is so naive. It won’t matter one bit if the left stops sending unambiguous messages; the over-the-top Trump hatred became part and parcel of the loony left’s raison d’etre long ago.

  6. I wouldn’t doubt there are some “underground” betting lines by the Dem/Neocon glitterati.
    Dick Satan Cheney siding with Kackles is my proof.

  7. The Democrats continue to say that BOTH sides need to tone down the rhetoric and then Hillary Clinton repeats the “threat to democracy” line last night. Shameless.

  8. The Biden White House
    Question: “It’s been only two days since somebody allegedly tried to kill Donald Trump again. And you’re here at the podium in the White House briefing room calling him a threat. How many more assassination attempts on Donald Trump until the President and the Vice-President and you pick a different word to describe Trump other than threat?

    Watch the White House reaction.

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