9 Replies to “Forsaken Warriors: How Trudeau Broke Canada’s Military”

  1. A bit of the numbers may help to explain what the #Libranos have done as well..

    The cut off date for this NATO sourced report was 12 June 2024 and it appears to be the most recent figures… some estimates may be posted here as well for 2023-2024, but it’s doubtful that it’ll be enough to paint a more rosy picture of the mess we’re currently in.
    I don’t think it’s merely a numbers fault whereby the funding is the sole issue. Those tampon installations in men’s washrooms didn’t help.


    I haven’t yet and can’t watch the report from Aaron Gunn for another few hours but am looking forward to my daily dose of reality this evening …

  2. The first decision must be made, does Canada want an army or not and why.
    Does Canada want an army to go to the shitholes of the world and stop the locals from killing each other or does Canada want an army for defense purposes.

    If this country wants an army for defense purposes, it will cost a lot of money. Is there a possible political party that will spend the billions on the armaments, the soldiers and all the other things that army makes.
    Don’t think that most of the population even know that there are actual soldiers in this country.
    And there are perhaps millions that are and would be 100% against spending the money.
    They want the free stuff and that’s that. They came here to get it and may want to leave if they have to pay, heh …

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