43 Replies to “I Amuse Myself”

      1. Yep, and in revenge for the humiliation, they will try to do something spectacular. And that’s the time, when it’s identified, to teach them what pain truly means.

        1. Those pagers would have been distributed to the higher level operatives in Hezbollah. Reportedly 500 are now blind and those who can still walk have no communications capability.

    1. Intel now says that the IDF used a very low level nuke which exploded just above the silos. Iran had sent missiles to Hezbolah and they were converting the ammonia nitrate in those storage facilities into rocket fuel.

      That’s why it all went Ka-BOOOOM.

      1. Since there was no surge in radiation, there’s no truth to this nonsense about a low-level nuke. Ammonia nitrate is highly unstable and has spontaneously combusted many times. Stored by idiots, this was a highly likely outcome.

    1. I didn’t understand how bad the injuries could be,because I pictured them wearing the pagers on a belt on the hip. Apparently many carried in their front pocket, to conceal them, I suppose? Maybe a visible pager would tip others off.

    1. ISIS would have much easier ways to cause a mass casualty event – gassing a school or theatre for example. This was not a mass casualty event, the method was specifically chosen to minimize civilian deaths and target mostly terrorists. ISIS would not be interested.

      1. Your argument is pretty dumb, mate: How on earth would it minimize civilian deaths for ISIS to jack a massive shipment of iPhones, lace them with PETN and release them into the public? To be detonated at a specific future time, guaranteeing that the hospital system is overwhelmed when it occurred?

    2. “Until ISIS realises they too can cause a mass-casualty terror event in the West using cell phones and/or EVs.”

      Sorry, no…those were not battery explosions. I heard PETN (as mentioned above by Marc), which is a high explosive.

      1. So ISIS couldn’t lace device with PETN and release them? Because yeah, border and import controls in Western countries are so darned secure!

        1. “So ISIS couldn’t lace device with PETN and release them? Because yeah, border and import controls in Western countries are so darned secure!”

          Umm…no, actually, they couldn’t. They have neither the intelligence and logistical capability nor the technological expertise to pull off anything like that.

          Mossad does. The CIA does. MI6 does. ISIS does not.

          1. Right. Maybe. But the Houthis just took 4 months to win a naval war against the US. Your smug self-assurance works for you. It doesn’t work for me and mine. You sound like Trudeau, or Harris: “relax, we got this”.

  1. So, with all those explosions in their front pants pockets, what good is 72 virgins going to do them? Gonna have to retire from the jihad business, I guess. Martyrdom without a pecker will NOT be paradise.

    BTW, does Hezbollah have a good retirement pension plan? Hospitalization? Dental? Vision? Rx drugs? Oh… silly me. Hezbollah management expects them all to die before they ever have to pay out. Nevermind.

    1. For clarification, that is a misreading of the Koran….it’s not 72 virgins….it’s one 72 year old virgin. THAT changes everything!

      1. I thought it was 72 vegans, Art. But regardless, I think they are being set up for a big disappointment. After all, once you get your rocks off 72 times, what do you do for the rest of eternity, whittle toothpicks from cordwood?

  2. The pagers, which Hezbollah had ordered from Gold Apollo in Taiwan, had been tampered with before they reached Lebanon, according to some of the officials. Most were the company’s AP924 model, though three other Gold Apollo models were also included in the shipment.

    The explosive material, as little as one to two ounces, was implanted next to the battery in each pager, two of the officials said. A switch was also embedded that could be triggered remotely to detonate the explosives.

    At 3:30 p.m. in Lebanon, the pagers received a message that appeared as though it was coming from Hezbollah’s leadership, two of the officials said. Instead, the message activated the explosives. Lebanon’s health minister told state media at least nine people were killed and more than 2,800 injured.


    1. Awesome, love it! 🙂 A big salute & hand shake to all the guys at IDF, Mossad, Shin Bet who devised and carried on this operation! While CIA and MI5 are obsessed with genders, woke crap and eco-BS, Israel is sticking to real smart and cunning operations!

  3. The only thing that motivates the terrorist is his ability to conceive.
    This is also seen as a rite of passage to sire as many children as possible to carry on the family name.
    Judging by the location of the injuries I would say that ability to sire the next generation of jihadi’s just took one serious hit.

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