24 Replies to “Lost In Ontario”

  1. The former Ontario NDP MPP, and Anglican Minister is known for her drinking while on the job as an MPP and has admitted that when she was a “street kid” she took a lot of LSD.

    She also was and is one of the leading proponents of the “trans” movement.

    She is looking for attention as always.

  2. “Safe consumption sites save lives.”

    Really? Does anyone believe that? Even their early advocates have realized they don’t work.

  3. I checked who the h is this Cheri because I think I heard this name at AM radio, and:
    – ‘Reverend’ (!) for “United Church” whatever that is, not that curious to dig what kind of Christianity flavor these people push
    – Queer/LGBTQ activist
    – Ontario NDP.
    I felt better before knowing all this, where’s the vomit bag?

      1. It used to be just fine, but the last 15 years or so the leadership has been captured by the Left/NDPee. From what I hear (because I never, ever go) most churches ignore the leadership and don’t send them money.

        My old church from when I was a kid is now essentially a daycare, they have church on Sunday as a kind of sideline.

        1. The UCC has been going that way for forty years. Old women were calling in to the radio station claiming the NDP were okay because their UCC minister was running as an MLA for the Dippers. That was in the mid to late 1970s.

      1. Don’t feel too bad, these days it’s hard to tell them apart. If anything, maybe more residual actual Christians among the UCC, they tend to leave Anglican parishes and go evangelical rather than carry on.

  4. Convenience store employees are ‘reporting’ are they? Lying liars are gonna lie. They are consuming at the stores? Funny, in my life never seen anyone drink a beer inside a beer store or LCBO.

    1. Indeed. And “drinking more than the legal limit?” I think the legal limit is determined by a blood test. So, even if they were drinking right there in the store, how in the world would the checkout clerk know the blood alcohol results? The tweet is complete nonsense.

      1. Pounding 1 beer will get you close to a license suspension, a king can will do it. Less likely to get a fine if drink in store rather than while driver. Of course, best to go home first and then enjoy it.

    2. Yeah, I wondered about that too, RedPop.

      Buying and then drinking a beer or White Claw right inside the store? I don’t think so. Maybe have one or two in the car before starting it up, but I’ve never seen consumption in the store or at the counter in front of employees anytime, anywhere in my life, and I ain’t no spring chicken.

    3. I don’t know about Ontario…

      I work nights at a grocery store in the US. You wouldn’t believe the amount of empties I find dumped in the store at night.
      We used to have a bum steal and drink three 750ml bottles of vodka a day. For some reason people think if they drink it in the store, it’s not stealing.
      I have seen rich white yuppies help themselves to a tasting sample of grey goose, put the bottle back on the shelf, and grab a fresh one to buy.
      Every Monday a fat black woman helps herself to a watermelon four loko to go with the bucket of fried chicken she eats while shopping
      When I leave at 6:30am, there are already two or three drunks waiting for the liquor dept to open at 7am.

      We should not be ‘improving access’ to any of this shit.

  5. Slightly related as it is to those things run by the government
    I think I finally have a bullet proof response to the keepers of the shrine to Tommy Douglas and the sacred cow of “free healthcare”.
    Would they also like grocery stores to be run by a government insurance company?
    You know?
    Everyone can go get groceries for free, but first they have to get their grocery list approved and can only obtain what the bureau allows you to consume.
    Next let’s do real estate.

  6. According to Justin’s media and the opposition parties, the evil of buying booze is the most important issue facing the people of Ontario. That and the Ontario Science Centre.

  7. Comment from a Lazy (Public) Union Bastard: “WOW, A socialist manifesto. So, it’s OK, so sell Trudeaus 400 mg THC gummy bears to 18 year olds down the street?”

    A few years ago, the President of MADD wrote to the Post that only public union run outlets could be trusted to vend liquor. They are that ideologically indoctrinated.

  8. Gee, a change of regulation and we see the NDPee screaming there will be blood in the streets? How surprising.

    Leftists live and breath the belief that people are stupid and must be controlled. There must be a strong, centralized authority to keep the peasants from revolting and we all die. An authority run by them, of course.

    Any time a holy regulation like the LCBO is changed or God forbid relaxed, they all come out screaming.

    Like drunks don’t tank up in the parking lot of the LCBO every day. Come on.

    Anybody still remember how there was going to be blood in the streets when weed became legal in 2017, and then -nothing- happened? And we never heard another word about it.

    They sell beer at gas stations all over the USA and there isn’t any more blood in the streets there than anywhere else. Lying liars lie.

  9. Cheri better not go to Denmark. I was there on a cycling trip and we Canadians were amazed at the sight of workers on their noon lunch break in the open with their lunch and a beer. And rural gas stations with beer alongside Gatorade in the fridges. On my return flight to Frankfurt, the plane was full of happy Danes flying to a soccer match in Germany, knocking back beers at 10am! When I told my seatmate of the rules in Ontario, he couldn’t believe it.

  10. Of course, political enemies and Karen malcontents.. Never mind the unions.. Have nothing good to say about me picking up 6 beers without kissing their rear ends.. I imagine small local bars / burger joints are not exactly happy either..

  11. Alberta did away with government liquor stores 30 to 40 years ago. Despite predictions of a moral catastrophe, nobody noticed any difference. All that happened was the number of liquor stores tripled and prices went down. And the best part. The unionized pricks in the government stores all lost their jobs.

    1. I would say rather that, after all the predictions of a moral catastrophe, there was indeed a moral catastrophe, but it proved to have nothing to with the liquor.

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