Massive missed opportunity

Why aren’t the oilsands companies planning on using CO2 for enhanced oil recovery? This is a colossal missed opportunity. Massive. Yuge. Yes, with a Y, like Trump.

Here’s my attempt at a reel from the Lloydminster Heavy Oil Show. Hopefully more to come.

Oh, and it looks like Muskrat Falls wasn’t just going to bankrupt the Newfies, who quietly got a $5 billion bailout during COVID, but it looks like Nova Scotia, too, is getting bailed out.

Federal $500M bailout for Muskrat Falls power delays to keep N.S. rate hikes in check

But hey, Saskatchewan power rates can skyrocket as we have to get rid of our cheap coal – no problem!

And, since there’s plenty of public money for everything these days:

Energy minister says public money could help finance Alberta energy cleanup

And for something completely different – Quick Dick McDick harvests wheat.

10 Replies to “Massive missed opportunity”

    1. That isn’t what Brian is saying …. read again or read the link … he is saying send the CO2 south to the oil fields around where miscibile floods are already in place ie Weyburn.

      Brian I was involved in the early phases of planning to take Sask Powers CO2 and use it at Steelman and so if I have to guess at why my money is on cost.

      CO2 enhanced recovery isn’t cheap as the CO2 will create carbolic acid and then a lot of pipes and equipment need to be converted to stainless steel to prevent corrosion and pipeline leaks. Not at all a simple thing to implement on a large scale. Also oil prices are kind of on the low side for that type of project IMO but I have been retired since 2009 and so my feel for SE Sask oil economics may truly suck 😉 but my napkin economic calculations used to be pretty accurate!

      1. ive followed co2 for a long time , worked on the judy creek project with esso in 1980 , horrible stuff. you actually need a poor reservoir. all the good ones water floods have taken out most of the oil.

        1. Actually, CO2 is usually referred to as tertiary recovery. Yes, you do waterflood, But then you add CO2 and continue to waterflood, in a WAG – water alternating gas. It brings recovery factors from around 22 per cent to more like 50.

      2. Way back in 2008, the first week I started working with Pipeline News, one of my sales staff gave me a tip. She had talked to a guy who was involved with CO2 flood research for Husky near Edam, about 40 miles northwest of North Battleford. I called the guy she spoke to at the coffee shop, and he promptly hung up on me. Well, it worked. And they’ve been doing a bit of CO2 there for a long time since. So if they had a major CO2 source, it could have huge impact. No need to go to Weyburn.

  1. The libranos put 100m into Montreal in order to keep the Grand Prix there for a few more years. Spending tax money involves votes – although it didn’t help them in Montreal last night.

  2. When I joined Gulf Canada, in Estevan, in 1980, they were running enhanced recovery using propane. That is the Steelman site people talk about. The thing about using CO2, or any gas, to dilute the oil, is that the gas comes out with the oil and is separated at the heater/treater. So you don’t get the carbon capture. This would also end to reduce he heating value of the recovered solution gas.
    There may be some CO2 that reacts to form cabonate, but that would tend to reduce the already low formation pemeability.

  3. I remain unconvinced that CO2 is going to kill me, or mine!
    What was the CO2 when there were dinosaurs roaming the earth again?
    Many times what we have at present if I’m not mistaken! This entire global warming bull shit has been foisted upon us and people are to lazy to do some research to see what is really happening.
    We are being run by the WEF and the UN amongst others and who have agendas that they are unwilling to discuss openly. Have a peek at what the likes of Bill Gates has in store for civilization! 500 million people?? That means about 15 in 16 of us worldwide has to disappear??
    Leave the damn CO2 alone or make us of it, as need be but don’t blame it for an issue that DOES NOT EXIST. Yeah – I am yelling!

    1. I’m with you. I don’t think capturing CO2 to save the planet will save anything. But if you use it for enhanced oil recovery, then you’re doing something useful with it.

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