The Reification of Net Zero

By the time farms are forced to go net zero, their net income statements will have beat them to that number anyway.

The University of Manitoba is getting $7.6 million in federal funds to study net-zero farming systems.

U of M researcher Martin Entz, best known for his work on organics, is the project lead.

“This is a huge amount of money. It’s certainly the largest grant that I’ve ever been involved in,” he said.

The team is also engaging with industry partners including Keystone Agricultural Producers, the National Farmers Union and Ducks Unlimited Canada to learn about sustainable agriculture initiatives…


19 Replies to “The Reification of Net Zero”

  1. The leadership of Canada’s farm unions should be tarred, feathered, and transported. But, their memberships continue to nothing about the traitors at the top.

  2. When we can feed only half or perhaps a quarter of the people with net-zero, organic and healthy foods sustainable isn’t a term that comes to mind.

  3. Best part? The wealthy will still be able to afford food and heat and the rest of us will sacrifice for the good of the planet.

  4. In order to answer the question, we need an iron-clad no bs definition of net-zero. We are all spinning through space, only input is sunlight. Everything else we move around as economics dictate. Sounds net-zero to me,


  5. The elites are smarter than we plebes … and therefore they are the ones who should survive and reproduce. Yes … that’s Hitlerian eugenics … but it sounds so much nicer when it’s termed Net Zero to save the planet and whatnot.

  6. If net zero means that said activities will have a zero life cycle carbon footprint then the only level of technology allowed would be pre-industrial, stone age subsistence and a depopulated planet in the range of one tenth of today’s population with a short and miserable life span without medicines other than plants. No synthetics, no hard metals and therefore no manufacturing. Somewhere between that goal and now we would likely go full Mad Max, the state would collapse and the Eloi conducting such “studies” would be eaten.

    1. No John! We will all live to age 150 and beyond as our Brave New Co2-free world eliminates all the “forever chemicals” and microplastics.

  7. “Martin is part of Sustainable Canada Dialogues, a group of 60 Canadian scholars who propose evidence-based climate solutions and actions”
    Another grifter chasing ghosts and shadows as there is NO evidence of human activity having any significant impact whatsoever on the ever changing climate.
    It’s a grift in support of the Technocratic takeover of society. The ALL need to be held accountable.

  8. Farming is already sustainable. Year after year, decade after decade, century after century crops have been planted and harvested and animals have been raised and slaughtered,

  9. In other words, they’re going to starve billions of people today, to keep a handful of people from getting their feet wet 1000 years from now (people too stupid to move, and on the slim chance they are correct about their predictions)

    1. Depopulation is their goal. The Evil Club of Rome has been on this hobby horse for nearly 50 years. What they failed to understand is that as more people become wealthier they have fewer children, as well as take better care of the environment, which is a luxury for subsistence living. Already, the Earth’s population growth is slowing rapidly. I understand it will max out at around 10-11 billion and then dcrease, just like it is already doing in many countries

  10. This is Cultural Marxism’s version of Lysenkoism. When they say net zero, they mean nothing left of humanity. Remember the goal. There is no happiness, no freedom, no food, just groveling beneath the boot of the tyrant crushing your face into the dust that will remain of your fields.

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