55 Replies to “Hezbollah, Do Not Be Discouraged”

      1. Just pointing out that Israel is attacking a neighbor out of concern for its own security. Who is the snowflake here? The person who can’t see the truth because he doesn’t like what it implies? Tell me how this is any different. For that matter, tell me how what the US is doing in Syria is any different than what Putin is doing in Ukraine. Tell me how the US’s plans for Taiwan are any different than what Putin is doing in Ukraine.

        If your answer boils down to “Because hooray for our side!” well, fine, just spare me the “Putin is evil” crapola.

        I didn’t actually say Putin was evil for trying to secure Russia’s western border from an aggressive military alliance like NATO, nor did I say that Israel was evil. But it is an act of war. Israel is trying to drag us into a war, Ukraine is trying to drag us into a war. Neither war is any of America’s business.

        1. “Just pointing out that Israel is attacking a neighbor out of concern for its own security.”

          Wrong. Israel is attacking a *terrorist group* who attacked them first. The fact that that terrorist organization, armed, financed and taking their orders from Iran is currently being hosted and sheltered by Lebanon (in much the same way as the Houthis are in Yemen) is irrelevant, since Lebanon and their military are not being directly targetted by the IDF. Yet.

    1. Sooooo … that would mean Hezbollah are WINNING!! … just like Ukraine is kicking Putin’s ass … Right? Sheesh. Propagandists gonna propagandize

      Pro Tip: Netanyahu doesn’t really WANT America on her side. Because America never WIN wars anymore … but simply drag them out forever.

      1. No, Hezbollah is Ukraine in this situation, and Russia is Israel. Obviously. Wow, it’s amazing how blind to obvious facts ideology makes people.

    1. Probably a stupid question but can they fit 20 grams inside a pager? They are pretty compact devices. Does it need a detonator?

        1. Blasting caps (detonators) are too sensitive. PETN is a secondary explosive ideal for the job. Just a white powder. Google it, read up and you will understand.

          1. I’ve recently learned there are several people here on SDA who have superior knowledge about weapons of mass destruction. Experts in blasting holes in the Oil sands of Ca?

  1. AS IF THIS STORY COULDNT GET ANY MORE BLINGTASTIC!!!! Greta could not be reached for comment!:

    BREAKING: Lebanon’s official news agency reports that home solar energy systems exploded in several areas of Beirut – AP

  2. It is one thing to manufacture pagers for Hizballah with explosives inside. It is quite another to have the Hisballahs pay for them.

    1. Well if you steal the battery from your “work” walkie-talkie to use at home, and your employer is Hezbollah, then yeah.

  3. I think this is unprecedented in the history of warfare. Now every off the shelf device is suspect. Their comm network is suspect. Their suppliers are suspect. Patience is a virtue but this… this is ridiculous. PETN is that white stuff inside detcord, for example. If you are curious read up on it, I think it was a very good choice for that application.

  4. ANybody want to bet this is a prelude to a major operation? Because you don’t play that card out of the blues for no reason. this took a lot of time and resource to set up.

  5. Airlines have chosen to side with the terrorists by boycotting Israel.

    Funny that. I didn’t think airlines liked terrorists all that much, who knew?

  6. I am expecting Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah to blame his supply clerk for not listening to him and buying the expensive Japanese lithium-ion batteries and trying to pocket the difference by instead purchasing the cheap Mainland Chinese ones that explode! 🙂

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