22 Replies to “Karine Jean-Pierre est une grosse merde”

  1. As I posted in another forum, the cognitive dissonance is incredible. KJP is not only doubling-down on labeling Trump “a threat,” but now is insinuating that Peter Doocy “is dangerous” for the way he posed his question!

    I’m am completely astounded of how these evil people continue to believe that the average American (not including socialist dems, of course) is stupid enough to believe the vileness nature of KJP and company.

    They will not be satisfied until Trump is actually killed from an Assassin’s bullet.

    1. when l was taking courses (free tuition, senior discount!) THIS was very frowned upon, *l couldnt even volunteer to proofread anything*.
      furthermore l object to this spam.
      lets see if mine gets past the infamous sda filterbot

  2. This is what progressivism is. Hypocrisy is not a bug, it’s a feature. Trump is Hitler and must be destroyed, but they don’t mean assassinated (but if he is, it’s actually his own fault)? Gender and race are social constructs, but you have to believe they are real. Racism is bad, unless it’s against certain races. Feminism is good, unless directed at trans-genders or Islam. You must believe all of these things, and whatever else the anointed leaders demand, without question, or be destroyed just like Hitler, I mean Trump. This is progressivism, and pointing out the contradictions does not deter their belief, any more than it would for any other religion. And they are very serious.

  3. Given that she is the White House Press Secretary, it would imply that the official government position is that Donald is a “Threat” to America.

    Which would explain a lot of the “incompetence” that looks like “malice” on behalf of those charged with “protecting” Trump

    1. Well, communists also hate other communists. And communists and fascists are in fact almost identical ideologies. They are not polar opposites but more like two drug gangs fighting over the same territory….one gang wears red bandanas, the other blue.

  4. Say an assassination attempt succeeds. These “progressive” clowns can yuck it up all the live-long day. That just demonstrates that they will have absolutely NO idea what will happen then, what will HAVE to happen. They have NO concept regarding the knife’s edge that they’re walking on.

    I’m old. The one tiny silver lining in this scenario is that once they take away everything from people, then that only means that they now have nothing to lose.

    1. Well Said Buzz.

      “they now have nothing to lose” TRUE THAT.

      I’d be curious to know what the number of Combat Vets in the US are.?
      Those who were involved in the liberation of Kuwait & fought in Iraq & Afghanistan
      I’m going to guess at least as a Minimum, 7-10 Million..??
      All of whom I suspect are remain sufficiently well armed.

    2. Exactly Buzz … people will NOT … “own nothing and be happy”. They will own nothing, and have nothing to lose. They will own nothing, and be resentful of those “elites” who DO own things. Things they want.

      Many say the Soviet Union collapsed because its people finally SAW … on TV … all the STUFF people had in The West … and demanded a new system wherein THEY could have a better standard of living too!

      Our WEF elites don’t like the “little people” to have aspirations. They want us in economic chains … utterly dependent upon a benevolent central government for our daily bread (lines). It’s funny … our wannabe Leftist overlords now HATE a free and prosperous Russia … and want to drag us all back to the long dirge of Socialist/Communist/Fascist misery.

  5. Karine Two-Names is eating the Dawgs,she’s eating the Cats,she’s eating the pets, oh,and she comes from Cannibal Island

  6. The medium is the message.
    The question is the threat.

    Welcome to DeMarxists despotic dystopia.

    Ignorance is Strength.
    Freedom is Slavery.
    War is Peace.

    Silence is golden.
    Demented DeMarxists and their mediocracy minions are currently trying to shut up both presidential candidates.

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